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I was beyond delighted that the other half of my family was coming to join in the funeral for Laena. That meant that I was going to be able see my uncle again. I only wished that my brothers cared a little bit more. But they were mourning their father- they were mourning ser Harwin. Which yes was very sad and yes he was a very good man, it wouldn't be right for us to go to his. We needed to be here with our family.  My mother put my hair back in a beautiful mess of braids, as did I to hers. My father was sparing off with see Qarl. ( This but white)

I got my mother's to match mine

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I got my mother's to match mine. Something I didn't really think about until I saw my cousins and thought how they couldn't match their hair to their mothers, they lost theirs and here I was trying to match mine perfectly. Vhagar's roar interrupted my thoughts and I smiled as I watched her and caraxes fly to the nest. I looked back on my dream I had a few months ago and the back to Vhagar. She looked an awful lot like the same dragon. But that doesn't make any sense, Vhagar's rider by right is Rhaena.  Soon the actual service for my aunt began and the grand speaker, my grandsire's brother started to make jabs at my brother's legitimacy. Suddenly Daemon started to laugh. I think he was trying to take the pressure off of them and put it on himself. I kept eye contact with my uncle Aemond the entire time.  He kept a small smile on his face this entire time.

When it was over I saw my brothers walk over to our cousins and comfort them. I smiled at them and waved to the four of them, with them all returning the gesture. I walked over to the fire pit and a few seconds Aemond walked over directly across from me.  "Hey," I said softly.  He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey, how are you feeling." He asked. "I feel like I want to go back home. I love it here in Driftmark more than anything but I just wished that I knew I was coming here so that I could have given you a proper farewell." "Yeah, I was a little upset that I wasnt told either."  "Im sorry, It wasnt by my hand I promise." " I know." He smiled at me again and it made me smile wider. "I do love the sunset here. It makes it better since you can see it off of the water below." I said as I walked over to the edge of the peir.

Later as the night was almost over all of us children were told that we need to go to our rooms for the night, since the Targaryens had a long way to go before they were back home. I nodded and turned to go to my room but Aemond gently grabbed my arm. "Stop, lets go this way. I want to show you something." I looked at him with my head slightly cocked but I nodded nonetheless. He never let go of my hand as we ran away from where everyone was, to the small island where Vhagar had laid down for the night. I stopped and smiled and when I did he stopped along with me and asked me what was the matter. "Nothing is the matter, dont you see. Ae, do you remember when I told you that you were going to ride the largest dragon in the world. Well where are we going right now. Do you remember when I told you that no matter what anyone said, you were going to believe me? Well I need you to believe me."

In that moment he walked as close as he could to me and gently placed his hands on my shoulders. The warmth from his hands made me realize just how cold I was. His hands were frim and rough but they were gentle the entire time.  " I know, and I never stopped believing you for a single minute of my life." I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said. He pulled me into his chest and laughed softly. "Of course Vis. Of course." After that I pulled away slowly and grabbed his hand. I looked at it before I started to run in the direction of the sleeping dragon. We were laughing the entire time as we ran. For the first time in my life I felt as though I was truly free. There was nothing keeping me in line, just the wind in my hair, the sand and dirt on my feet and the gentle hand in mine. I smiled wider than I had all night when we finally came along Vhagar. We stopped running and slowly walked up to her.

"Stop, You stay here." I nodded and planted my feet where they were. He grabbed the rope ladder that was slung on her side. Her eyes shot open and she huffed but she didnt do anything. He climbed up a little bit before he took my hand and guided me up the ladder with him. I sat on the saddle infront of him and he gently placed his hands just under my ribcage. We were going to claim a dragon together just like in the ancient ways of old Valyria. Before we knew what was happening Vhagar took off. We were both screaming as we were trying to get her to listen to us, and after a few seconds of us panicking she finally listened.

We were flying, no we were soaring and gliding. "Do you know the ways of old Valyria. I mean when two people claim one dragon, they share their blood." I smiled and turned to look over my shoulder. I did know what he was talking about. This also meant that there would never be anyone that we would love but each other. When you share blood that means that after that you share life. If you have spilt your blood, you have split your life. I nodded to answer his question. Vhagar kept gliding through the air as he  grabbed the small knife off of the side of his belt. He sliced down his palm before giving me the knife so that I could do the same. We said the old vowes and clasped our hands, finalizing it. We were one, and there was nothing that anyone was going to be able to do.

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