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8 years later

Visenya Velaryon walked through the gardens near her window enjoying the evening as it came.  She had finished all her lessons for the day and now she just wanted to unwind.  She never really was a loud child, she prefered to keep to herself, her studies, and her close family. She loved all of her siblings dearly and would do anything for them. She loved her parents more than anything in this world. She loved her aunt, and one of her uncles. Aegon had never really liked her, she thought it was because she and her mother possed a threat to his throne so she really couldnt blame him. Anyone else would have as well. Her and Aemond on the other hand. They were inseparable since birth. Almost any moment that they have free, they spend it together. Whether it be learning high valyrian, practicing their swordsmanship, or just simply walking around the castle gardens. Rhaenyra would smile sadly when she saw them, the last time she had seen children that close, it was her and Alicent.  Even more than that, she had never seen uncle and niece so close.

Visenya heard the clacking if wooden swords and shook her head. Aemond was the last born, he tried the hardest to not be forgotten. Extra studies in every subject known. She wished that he wouldn't go so hard on himself. She also wished Aegon wasn't so mean but there wasn't anything she could do. She was just a lady. A little lady at that. Heir of Rhaenyra, heir of Viserys.  As she turned the corner she could see him with the sword master. She was never allowed to train with the masters since she was a lady. She was to learn homely studies and how to bare children. She confided in Aemond that she hated that so he taught her everything that he learned.   In turn she taught him how to speak Valyrian. She walked up to them with her hands sat comfortably on her back and a large smile on her face.  "Uncle." She chided softly. All the men stopped. There was the master and her uncle Aemond, but Aegon was also there. Granted he was drunk and had no idea what was happening but he was there.

I smiled to my uncle. The kind one. Aegon was laying on hay playing with his dagar. "You said you would meet me at the gardens a half hour ago. You left me waiting." I said jesting. He smiled and bowed to me.   "My apologies my sweet niece, I got a little caught up in my lessons." He replied with a small laugh in his throat at the end. I shook my head and laughed. " I'll have to go to the pit, Ajax seemed lonely the last time I was there. He seems to really like you, you know." I told him as we walked down the path side by side. "Does he now." He replied. I instantly felt bad. His dragon didn't hatch and there hasn't been one extra laid. My brothers got one each and I comforted him as much as I could through that. But one night I saw him, with the largest dragon I had ever seen. And it was black and green as a forest night, it came to me in a dream. I place my hand gently on his shoulder. " I know that you will ride the strongest, largest dragon anyone has ever seen. Trust in me uncle."

He looked at me with wide eyes and a curious look on his face. "Do you really think that?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head. I looked back at the large doors that would lead to the dragon pit and pushed them open. "Lady Visenya I dont think that you should be in here by yourself."  One of the dragon keepers called. I smiled at him "I am not alone, I have my uncle here with me. Plus even then, I know how to handle myself more than people give me credit for." said gently. "Please bring me Ajax."  Aemond walked in soon after me. "You bring the uncle that- never mind I should have known it would be the younger prince." He said as he walked down the ramp to bring Ajax to me. "You hold yourself like a queen would." Aemond said. I smiled at him sweetly. "Of course, I have to learn one day, the more training I get the better." I said curtly. We kept a straight face for only a few seconds before we broke out in a fit of laughter and giggles.

Then suddenly a mightly roar came from Ajax. He was beautiful, All white and looked almost like a mirror image of my mothers uncles dragon caraxes. Just instead of red he was white and a little larger. "Hello Ajax. I hope the others are being kinder to you." The others pick on him far to much. He clicked and chided in response as he lowered his head to my hand. I gently scratched at his nose and smiled when they brought in a sheep. Today was the Dracarys test. After that he was my free dragon, no more training.  After a couple bleats from the sheep and I smiled. It was the time. "Ajax. Dracarys!" He looked at me and then back to the sheep. With out a moments hesitation the room was alight with dragon fire and the smell of freshy cooked mutton was in the air. Ajax walked over and started to eat his meal. I smiled and squealed. Aemond was cheering for me as I ran to hug him. "I did it. I mean he did it."  I said, still slightly amazed. "You both did it. I am so proud of you, Visenya." He said as we were still in each others arms I realized that I never wanted to feel this with another person, just him.

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