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When I opened my door my mother was already in my room pacing back and forth along the floor. After having my newest babe brother I asked her to sit, rest and take it easy. She did but she had a very stern face. I sat down across from her on the smooth velvet sofa and kept my head down. "Dear girl look at me." She said, her tone not mean or angry but it did not waver. I looked up at her and she had a small smile on her face. "What you did was wrong. But you did it for the best reasons. How did it feel?" She asked. I looked back up at her with wide eyes. "It was great. I mean I feel bad that I did it but after what he did to my brothers. What he did to Aemond, I knew that it needed to be done." She looked at me with a different kind of gaze. One that almost asked if I was joking or not. "You did it for no satisfaction of your own. Simply for the people that you love." I nodded. "Is Laenor my father?" I asked faster than I would think to stop myself. As soon as I did I slapped my hands around my mouth.

"What?" She asked. I took a deep breath and I asked her the same thing. "Is he my father. After he met me in the gardens he yelled at me. He said that no daughter of his would act such a fool. Then I heard Aegon whisper more to himself than to me 'she isnt yours'. The fact that he didnt say it to me, made me believe, for only a second." She got up and sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me. She wiped the warm tears that I didnt allow to fall from my face. "My love, you are a Targaryen, that is all that matters. I love you. Your father loves you. Always remeber that." She said lovingly. I nodded and she continued to hug me. We stayed that way all the rest of the night. In the morning we were told that we were leaving for driftmark. They didnt tell us why or when but my brothers were very sad and ser Harwin wasnt with them. " He was sent of to Harrenhall. To be king there." I heard Jace crying. I walked over and pulled him into my arms. Luke joined soon after and I just held them both. I knew they would never see him again. That I saw, in a dream but it was the same thing as with Aemond and getting a dragon. It didnt feel like a dream but more a memory.

I wanted to ride Ajax. I had asked my parents if that would be ok and they said that I could if I didnt try and go to far ahead. I told them that I wouldnt and that I would be careful. I just wanted to fly again. I hadnt for a while. I always went to see Ajax but I would just bring a book with me and lay with him and read to him. I thought it was a nice way to keep him calm and from feeling lonely. Anyway, I was soaring. I never went very far ahead but I was miled high in the air. Dipping diving and many other tricks. I loved the cold sharp air against my skin. It ripped the hair from my braid and stung my eyes but I loved it. I was so happy up here. The cool soft feeling from the clouds was enough to calm even the angriest person and it was enough to almost lull me to sleep. I threw my hands up as he dove and yelled to the sky that I was the queen. I was the queen of the sea and the sun and there was nothing that could take that title away from me. I didnt know that my family heard my yelling. My parents were proud and my brothers were lauging slightly when I leveled out again, just gliding over the water.

"What?" I asked slightly out of breath. "Nothing, Queen of the sea and sun." My father jested. I blushed and made Ajax shoot up. I was slightly embaressed but I was having my fun. The more I grow up I know that I wont be able to say that any more since Baela and Rhaena were also children of the sea and sun. I was happy to see them, I loved them very much and never got to see them. I just hoped that they were back from Pentos by now. After a while I could faintly see the castle and I could see Caraxes and Vhagar flying high in the sky. I glided low to the tops of the ocean and relaxed into the mist flying off of Ajax's wings. I smiled and threw my arms out to the sides. Sooner than I would have liked we came very close to the shore so I guided Ajax up and he landed near Caraxes. I climbed down and ran down to the docks so that I would be greeted with the rest of my family. I ran and hugged my brothers who gladly took my open arms. All the happy spirits were soon drowned out when we were told what happened to Laena. I ran to find my little cousins and when I did, I didnt rush them with a hug or cheep words. I only held my arms open and waited for them to come to me. They did after a few seconds but there were many tears shed that day. It was a very long and hard night for all of them. Because that night I also figured out that my parents had no intention of going back to Kings Landing. Not for a very long time.

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