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My mother, went behind my back to marry her uncle. Daemon. Who now was trying to replace my father. Laenor. I was now utterly dragon-less and father-less and missing my other half. Well I am soon to have a dragon if he really wants to be my father.

I ran to find Daemon, if he wanted me to accept him, he was gonna take me to the rouge dragons. I knew which one I was gonna tame. Cannibal. The largest dragon ever known to man. Even larger than Vhagar. (I think let's just go with it) I was pushed back though when I ran into someones back. I looked up ready to apologize but I saw the face of Daemon. "What is the matter Visenya? What's the rush?"  He asked. I caught my breath for only a second. " I need you to take me to a dragon. I know where, but I need a dragon to get there. If you want to be my father, you always say you would do whatever it takes, then do this for me." I said quickly and sternly. "Where is that you want to go? " He asked quite suspiciously. I shook my head only. " I need to know if you are going to take me before I tell you. " I told him. He looked at me with a slight crooked smile.

" Let's go then. You most certainly have fire in your veins. " I smiled and even went to hug him. I did say that this is what it would take to accept him. He was startled to say the least but this is what he wanted. His daughters, were held with their grandmother and never came to see him anymore. " Go change and make it quick, meet me near Caraxes and tell me where we are going." He said with a smile as he reluctantly let me go. I smiled up at him and ran to put on my dragon riding armor, when I was done I ran to Daemon and Caraxes.

"Where to little fire-bright." I smiled as he helped me up onto the back of Caraxes. " We need to go to the wild dragons. The three in the wild, and I'm gonna get the largest one. Cannibal." I told him smiling even though he couldn't see me. "You do know that is almost a certain death ticket, I can't take you there. You mean too much to me and your mother." He said almost starting to get down. " No I need you, I saw that I was going to ride him. You nor my mother have told me about them right? Then how else would I know about them. I saw myself on his back. I tamed the untameable. Please." I begged him. When I was done talking I tasted blood in my mouth and I knew that I talked far too much without giving myself time to calm down. My wound would open every time that I talked, even just a little bit, so for a while I knew I was going to talk only when I most had too. He nodded even though he didn't like the idea that what I had said made sense.

He took me there, though the ride was silent until we heard their ferocious calls of the wilds. "Are you sure about this now dear." I nodded and smiled when we saw the massive black dragon. Easily the size of Vhagar or even bigger. I took a massive amount of rope. It was the only way since I didn't have a saddle yet. Caraxes got closer as I held the two ends. I threw it out and prayed to the gods it would catch Cannibal. When I was tugged off of Caraxes and sent flying I knew that I was successful, now the challenge was to live through this. I landed on his back with a hard thud and nearly lost the wind out of my lungs. I shook my head and got back to concentrating. "Dohaerās, Cannibal. Dohaerās." I croaked as I tugged on the makeshift reins. " Lykirī, lykirī! It's alright. Listen to me. I won't hurt you. " I squeaked at him, calming down near the end. He steadied and let me ride and somewhat control him.

"You did it. You actually did it." Daemon said as he flew Caraxes next to me. I smiled and looked at him. " I did. I really did. Alright let's go home Cannibal, let's go home. " I said struggled still with my speech and he almost nodded his head at me. I smiled as I threw my fists in the air. I had done the impossible. I tamed a wild, untameable dragon. When I saw the beautiful walls of driftmark I got nervous. What was my mother going to think.  I mean I did it and had no injury but still, it was the most dangerous thing and Im only 11. I shook my head and smiled. I accomplished this and if she isn't proud of me then that is her choice and I have to accept that. When Cannibal's feet touched the ground I don't think I could have flown off his back faster in my life. I ran to find the dragon keepers and asked them, quite hoarsely, to make a saddle that would be bigger than even Vhagar's. The looked at me with wide eyes and shook their heads. That was until I pointed to Cannibal. Their mouths fell and their shoulders slumped. I turned my head as soon as I heard a shocked gasp. There stood my mother with her hand over her mouth. "Surprise." I said meekly since my throat still burned worse than dragon fire. "What did you do. What did you take her to do?" My mother asked me, but seemingly changed her mind and asked Daemon.

He smiled at his wife and told her word for word what had happened. When he was done I could feel the anxiety. When she slowly turned to face me I just knew that I was in so much trouble. " You tamed him?" She asked pointing at Cannibal. I nodded as she walked over to me still pointing at him. I was thrown for a loop to say when she wrapped her arms around me, smiling as bright as she could have. "My sweet Baby. I am so proud of you!" She cried softly. I hugged her back and smiled with her. Cannibal was still super unpredictable but with enough love and patience I knew that I could make it work. When she pulled away I walked over and gently grazed my hand over the massive claws that resided on his feet. I marveled at the sheer sharpness of them. I heard his muff and look down to me, before laying down fully. " You, did great, today. " I slowly told him, being much more careful with how mush I say. He moved his face closer to my hand, I looked up knowing that I couldn't really reach his nose at all so I gently scratched along his jaw. A soft purr like grumble sounded from him and I smiled. We are going to have a bond almost as good as mine and Aemond's. I hope he got my letter, raven's now days are so in reliable.

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