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I spent most of my day with my Uncle. He was the one that had brought me back home. Being back here. It was odd here for a while but he made it home again. Made me happy. But now, the sun was long gone. Now far far after everyone has gone to bed, I stay awake. Walking all the halls that have been abandoned through the night. So these are the times that I take walks. The pure silence is the best companion. When I was younger I would take pride in finding all of the hidden walk ways. Hidden rooms. Oh the things that I used to find. Golden cups, coins, jewels beyond imagine. Solid dragon eggs long past their prime.

From what I hear there was one room that I have yet to find. The thought of it always got me going. On the hunt. The worst part about that was that the day I found it was the day I had to leave. So again here I walk down the hall of the King. The painting of Queen Visenya. My namesake. I pull with all I have and slowly the painting door opened. What I was met with was a long dark spiral stair case. With the small candle I have, I start making my way down these stairs. Carefully and slowly, these stairs were very old and I trusted them as much as I trusted Aegon.

When I got down to the flat ground again there was another door. Large, heavy iron. Dusty and it looks like there hasnt been a living soul down here since it was built. I try pulling with my entire body wait, for it to do absolutely nothing. I let out a small huff and give the door a a quick shove away from me. Thats when it opened. "Oh come on really?" I said as it creekd open. I take a deep breath and walk into the stragne room. Instantly I was in shock. It looked like an entire room dedicated to Visenya. In the middle of the room I saw the most beautiful suit of armor. Smooth and black and beautiful. Next to that was Dark Sister. Her sword. Before I knew what I was doing and before I could stop myself I walked over and removed the dust that had settled. It was ever better than I thought. I pulled it off of the stand that it was placed on and slid it over myself. I dont think that I could have something made for me now that fit me better than this did. It was almost like it was made for me. I know that it was made for someone that had my name, but it was such a new feeling.

There was a small mirror in the corner of the room covered by a sheet. I pulled it off of the rest of the way. A large ploom of dust came off with it. After a small coughing fit and the dust settling I got to see what I looked like in it. I instantly felt the tears fall down my face. I had looked better in nothing else I have ever worn. The sword sheath felt empty, for good reason. I walked back over to the sword and picked it up. This was the final piece that I needed.

With this I was going to finally be the queen that I knew I was going to be. The queen that was expected of me as not only my birthright but my namesake. This was my chance to let Queen Visenya rule again. Remind the world one more time that the Targaryen house will rule for another thousand years. Then even longer after that. We are the noble house. Rulers of the seven kingdoms. My mother will sit that throne and then me when her days here sadly cease. I will stand there with my husband when the crown is placed on my head, when all the lords bow to me. I will be a good queen. Then they will call me Queen Visenya, queen reborn. The best honor that I will ever get bestowed to me.

The heavy weight of the metal and leather that endorned me was almost as soothing as a mothers embrace. Technically it was. Just from a very long long time ago. Many generations. So many people who didnt even know that this was here. I wonder who put it hear. Maegor. He had the keep built.

This was something that I knew I had to keep a secret. I mean I hold Dark Sister in my hands. One of the most coveted heirlooms of my line, missing for hundreds of years, now just sits in my hand. I place the sword where it belongs and make my way back up the stairs and back to my room. The old stairs not really scaring me at this point anymore. I felt like I was truley able to anything that I wanted to know. Nothing could ever cause me any harm. Nothing nor anyone will ever be able to get to me so long as I wear this.

The ear piercing schreech is the only thing that tok me out of my thoughts. It was Vhagar. There is no way that she could know. Know that it was her old rider. Her one true queen. I mean it was just a suit of armor. There is nothing that could tie her to me. That only leaves one thing. Either she is being attacked, or she is about to take off. That means Aemond must be awake. Through the winding tunnels I ran, right outside, she was too big to be kept in the pit, so was Onyxes. I saw my dragon first. All his black scaled glory. The perfect opposite to Ajax. He was all white and stunning, or he was. Until his neck was ripped from his body the night I and my uncle nearly died.

That day was almost perfect, and also almost the worst day of my entire life. It was less me I was concerned with and more my uncle. Not even yet were we adults but we had a war. Our whole family, a war. I fear that same fighting is going to be what brings an end to our beautiful dyansty. Cutting each others eyes out and nearly severing the heads of our grandaughters. Daughter by laws. Ending your entire family over the fued of a dragon. Or a crown as it seems to be know. Who will inherit what when who ever dies. It is the endless game of royals that I hate. The thing that makes me most wish I was normal. Like the severs of my castle. Those normaly people that I want to be more like. They dont have any cares. When it gets hard they can just run. Hide. Change who they are. Build something and tear it all down in the same day.

The only thing that I would never have is the ability to be normal. The second I vanish, entire kingdoms will be out looking for me. Their lost queen. Ruler of man. Thats all they care about. Not me, or what I want. Something that has and will happen for the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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