Chapter 6

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TW: Rape, death, murder

"I watched a part of my sister die

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"I watched a part of my sister die."

The Evans family and Jake, were sat at the dining room table, having breakfast, with the local news playing in the background.

They were talking about finding a dead body, the cause of death wasn't known yet, but police suspected it was an accidental death, considering the man was a known alcoholic.... Skye knew the truth however, yes it was technically still an accident, she never meant for him to die, but it was still her fault he died.

She was deep in her thoughts, thinking back to the previous night. Her encounter with the man she killed, coming home in a panic, Jake calming her down, her kissing Jake. 

Skye was snapped out of her thoughts by her father calling her name. "What?"

"Are you going to the party Friday?" Johnathan questioned her.

"Yeah we're going to the party." Skye told them.

"Nick and Jake are going with you." Johnathan spoke with a smile.

Nick glanced at his dad. "We are?"

"Yes, after what happened the last time, you are." Naya told him.

"We'll keep her safe." Jake told Naya as he glanced over to Skye, smiling softly.

Skye sighed and got up, putting her empty plate away, grabbing a hold of her backpack as Nick and Jake joined her, ready to go to school.

Skye smiled seeing Dakota and Madison upon arrival, she made her way over to them and embraced the two. 

"Dude, I am looking forward to the Halloween party, with the four of us." Dakota smiled.

"Well, mom is sending Nick and Jake with us, we got us some babysitters." Skye told the two.

"Mom is just worried about you." Nick shook his head and crossed his arms. "I am too, with what happened last party. We all know that he's going to be there."

Jake sighed and shook his head, mumbling. "I'm going to kick his ass."

Madison glanced over at the school's entrance. "Speaking of the devil." 

They turned to look at Press walking in, he had bruises all over his face, a cut in his bottom lip and a black eye.

"Dude, you did that to him?" Dakota questioned, glancing at the brunette beside her, whom nodded, grinning. "Jake, I think she beat you to it, she already beat him up."

"Won't hurt to beat him up again." Jake mumbled, moving closer to Skye as Press was approaching, moving to stand in front of her in a protective manner.

Press looked towards them with a smirk. "Tell your boy toy to calm down Skye." He said as he walked past them.

Jake was about to lunge forward, but was stopped by Skye, whom grabbed his wrist. 

"I'm going to class, see you guys later." Nick spoke up and walked away, followed by Madison and Dakota.

Skye pulled Jake along with her, somewhere out of sight. "Jake what are you doing? I don't need you to protect me."

"I know, I'm sorry... I just can't stand it, the way he's walking around, like he didn't hurt you." Jake looked her deep in the eyes. "You didn't deserve that, you're an amazing person and I..." He cut himself off, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter."

Skye smiled softly at him. "Jake, I appreciate it and I think you're amazing too.... But beating up Press, it's not going to solve anything."

"You're right." Jake smiled at her, bringing his hand up, to push a strand of hair out of Skye's face. Skye brought her hand up to his chest, feeling his heart, beating at a fast pace as he looked her deep in the eyes, resting his hand on her cheek. He leaned in slowly, carefully capturing her lips with his own. The two stayed like that for a bit, Skye being the one to pull away.

Skye bit her lip, looking down, her cheeks flushed. 

"I like you, I have for a long time." Jake whispered in her ear.

"Really? I thought you just saw me as your best friend's annoying sister." Skye spoke with a chuckle, smiling softly.

Jake chuckled. "I do, but I do like you."

"I like you too Jake." Skye whispered to him and chuckled. "So what does this mean? Are you my boyfriend now?" She questioned in a playful manner.

"I'd like to be." Jake spoke as he grabbed her hand.

"We can't tell people, my parents and Nick will freak out." Skye told him and he nodded in agreement.

"We can tell them in the future, maybe not as long as I am living with them, but when my mom comes back." Jake said, smiling and pecking her lips quickly. 

"Yes, well lets go, we have to go to class." Skye spoke and walked away, towards her class, Jake by her side. The two stopped in their tracks, upon hearing a commotion. 

Skye moved to Ofelia, Dakota and Madison's side as a group of students were standing together, watching as Nick was beating up Press, with Marcus' help. Jake was about to join, when a group of teachers came running over, to pull the fight apart, sending everyone to their classes and giving Nick and Marcus detention, they brought Press to the school nurse. 

"Nick! You said you were going to class!" Skye spoke, crossing her arms and looking at her brother and cousin. The group of Skye, Dakota, Ofelia, Madison, Jake, Nick and Marcus were joined by MANG, Hunter, Jordan, Brody, Samantha and Padma. Max and Ginny were glaring in Marcus and Nick's direction.

"I lied about going to class." Nick told her, shrugging.

"Clearly! Why?!" Skye looked at him disapproving.

"Because you would've stopped me." Nick spoke, looking to the ground.

"Obviously I would have yes! Beating up Press is not going to solve anything, it's not going to undo what he did." Skye spoke, catching Max and Ginny rolling their eyes. "I want to move on Nick, learn to live with this, I'm going to have to live with this for the rest of my life." 

Nick turned his attention to Max and Ginny, having noticed their eye roll. "You might think she's lying... But you didn't see her that morning, when she woke up in Ellen and Clint's room, naked. She didn't know where she was, she felt sick, she was terrified. I was on the phone with her and picked her up, believe me, it's not a lie. I watched a part of my sister die, there at the hospital, after we got the results." He shook his head. "Did you know she was close to dying? From an overdose MDMA, cause he drugged her, probably put it in her drink."

"I believe her." Abby spoke up, moving to Skye's side and wrapping an arm around her, earning a smile from the brunette. "I believed it, as soon as I heard it."

"I do too, Max it doesn't make sense for her to lie." Norah said. 

Marcus spoke up and looked at his sister. "You should know better, we grew up with her, you know she is not that type of person."

Max and Ginny looked down as realization hit them., so did Hunter, Jordan, Brody, Samantha and Padma.

Max spoke up and shook her head. "I'm so stupid... I'm sorry, Marcus is right, I should've known better." 

"I should've seen it coming." Samantha suddenly spoke up. "With the way he treated Abby sometimes, I should've known he'd be capable of this."

After all the apologies, everyone went to class. The rest of the school day went by slowly.

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