Chapter 13

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TW: Death, murder, depression

"And I watched him bleed to death

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"And I watched him bleed to death." 

Nick couldn't leave the hospital yet, but luckily the surgery went well and he was going to be okay. 

Skye was going to Max's house as originally planned, Naya told her it would be a good distraction.

Skye's anger and sadness were replaced by a feeling of emptiness and she didn't feel like seeing her friends, she did not want their pity. 

Naya went out with Charlie, whom felt as empty as her sister, to pick up their newest relative that her and Johnathan were planning to get. A puppy, a golden retriever, whom was named Newton by Skye, with everyone's agreement.

Ellen and Clint already knew about Johnathan's passing, but hadn't told Max or Marcus yet, they did tell them that Nick was in the hospital and that Johnathan was hurt. 

The local news had yet to cover the story, so her friends didn't know about her father's passing.

Skye stood in front of the front door to the Baker's home, hesitant to knock. She shook her head, about to walk away, but bumping into Abby as she turned around. "Abby! Hey!"

Abby shot her a warm smile and hugged her. "Hey, I missed you." 

Skye faked a smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Abby. "I missed you too, lets go inside." She knocked on the door, before Abby could speak. 

Max was the one to open the door. "Hey come in!"

Skye quickly stepped inside and hugged Max. Abby followed her inside and hugged Max as well.

"So the rest is upstairs in my room!" Max exclaimed as she went upstairs, the two girls following. As she entered her room, she turned to Skye. "How's Nick?"

"He'll recover." Was all Skye said, looking down.

"What happened to Nick?" Abby asked confused, Norah and Ginny sharing that confusion.

"He's in the hospital, mom and dad haven't told us what happened. And her dad too." Max told Abby and looked at Skye questioningly.

Skye gulped as she could feel the tears starting and shook her head. "I need to use the bathroom." She stormed out of Max's room and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind her, but not locking it.

MANG had followed her, worried, noticing the tears that started in the girl's eyes.

"Skye? What happened?" Norah asked her, raising an eyebrow, worried.

Skye voice broke as she started sobbing. "My dad, he's gone. Press' dad shot him.... And I watched him bleed to death, I couldn't do anything, but watch him die.... Watch him realize he was going to die." Skye slid down the wall, breaking down crying.

Abby opened the door and moved to Skye's side, sitting down beside her and pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head. Skye laid down, resting her head on Abby's lap as the redhead gently rubbed her shoulder, looking at her. "I'm sorry."

Max stood in shock, beside Ginny and Norah, she started crying, she was relatively close to Johnathan. 

A confused Marcus walked into the hallway. "What's going on?"

Ginny moved to hug him as Norah embraced Max. "Your uncle, he was murdered." Marcus didn't cry, but it was clear he was upset.

Marcus looked towards Skye. "What happened to him?"

Skye sat up straight, managing to stop her sobs. "He was shot by Press' dad, so was Nick, but Nick's okay. He came to kill me, not them, but I wasn't home, so he shot them instead. Charlie found them, I stayed by dad's side, I watched him die." 

"Did you go to the police?" Norah asked her. "He could still hurt you."

"We don't have to worry about them anymore." Skye mumbled, earning frowns from her friends and cousins.

"What do you mean?" Max asked her. "Did you?"

"You can tell us, we won't tell the cops, he killed your dad." Ginny spoke up, she had recently found out about her mother's past, it made her realize that sometimes people had to do bad things. The others nodded in agreement, they couldn't blame the girl, after watching her father die.

"Charlie, she went to their house." Skye started, moving to grab Abby's hand. "I followed Charlie there, she broke into their house and I went with her." She glanced at Ginny for a moment. "Charlie stole your mother's gun, after what Press did to me." She looked at Abby for a moment, whom nodded to her and gave her hand a light squeeze. "She had it with her. I lost sight of her and I heard a click beside me. It was him, Press' dad, he had a gun to my head. I managed to overpower him and then Press' mom tackled me, held a knife to my throat..... Charlie, she...."

"Did Charlie kill them?" Max asked, eyes widening. 

"She killed his mom and I in turn, shot his dad. Charlie, she knew what she was doing. Left the gun there, wrote a suicide note, left no evidence of us ever being there." Skye shook her head, thinking about her sister. "I'm worried about her, how this is going to affect her."

"I'm sure she'll be fine, in time." Norah spoke up. 

Abby looked at Skye. "Charlie's strong, just like you. And you have me, both of you." 

Skye smiled slightly at Abby's words. "Thank you.... I lo-, I appreciate it." 

"And us too." Marcus told her. "You're family."

"Thank you, Marcus." Skye nodded towards him as she got off the floor. "How about we just go watch a movie? Some distraction." The others seemingly agreed.

So this was more of a filler chapter, that's why it's shorter. 

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