Chapter 23

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TW: None

"I will love you, forever and always

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"I will love you, forever and always."

8 years later

Abby looked over the dining table, she had prepared food and set it on the table, she smiled hearing the door to the house open.

"Hey baby! I'm home!" Skye called out to her, having gotten back from work. She worked at a laboratory, researching radiation as a nuclear physicist. She made her way over to Abby and embraced her, smiling. "It smells lovely."

Abby shifted nervously as she sat down, earning a frown from Skye.

"What's wrong baby?" Skye asked her, reaching out to grab her hand.

Abby stared at her. "I was going to wait... Until after we finish our food." She got up and shoved her hand into the pocket of her vest. "Skye, we've been together for a long time, for 8 years now and I know for sure, that you;re my soulmate, that we're meant to stay together. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to have a family with you." She looked up at the taller girl, whom was smiling brightly, tears forming in her eyes and Abby went down on one knee. "Skylar Alicia Evans?" She pulled out a box with a ring inside. "Will you marry me?"

Skye stared at her in silence, holding back her tears as she was processing the question. 

Abby frowned, fearing she was about to say no. "Skye?"

Skye shook her head. "Sorry... Yes, I will marry you." Skye smiled and kissed her now fiancee on the lips as Abby slipped the ring on her finger. 

Half a year later

"So are you ready?" Victor asked his stepdaughter with a smile.

"Yes, I'm so excited!" Skye turned to look at him. "Thank you for walking me down the aisle."

"Of course, you don't need to thank me." Victor smiled and hugged her, carefully. He pulled away and looked her over. "You look beautiful, I'm sure Abby's jaw will drop." 

Meanwhile Abby was waiting anxiously at the altar, Nick and Brandon by her side as their best men, their bridesmaids were Charlie, Ofelia, Ginny and Max. They had a flower boy in the form of Skye's 8 year old brother, Justin, the son of Naya and Victor.

In the crowd sat Charlie's boyfriend Jason and best friend Zoey, next to Jordan and Norah, whom had broken up, but gotten back together. Marcus, whom was still with Ginny, next to Austin and his girlfriend, along with Georgia and Joe, whom had gotten married the previous year. Ofelia and Max were together, they gotten engaged recently. Brandon got together with Dakota about 2 years ago, while Madison got with Samuel. Drew and Nick were still together. Jake started dating Sophie Sanchez, Alexander got together with Samantha of all people, she has learned to be a better person and less judgmental. Brodie had recently broken up with his girlfriend, Kevin got with Bracia and Raven got married to Chris. Travis stayed alone, he accepted that Johnathan was his one and only, he couldn't move on, but he was at peace. Clint and Ellen were holding their grandson, Ginny and Marcus' son. Abby's parents finally managed to get along again, being friends now as they both had a new partner. Hunter and Padma were still going steady as the band got a record deal, just like Skye's band, Zombie Hoax, a rock band. Skye separated from Hunter's band and started her own together with Madison, Ofelia, Raven and Dakota. Madison did the vocals, Raven played the piano, Ofelia the drums, Dakota the bass and Skye the guitar. 

Abby smiled as it was time, she saw Skye walking towards the aisle as the music was playing in the background, Victor on her side. The dress was beautiful, Abby couldn't keep her eyes of her soon to be wife.

Skye gulped seeing Abby, in her dress, looking like an angel. "Ay dios mio, mi amor." She mumbled, earning a chuckle from Abby.

The ceremony was short and sweet, just how they liked it, they didn't want it to be long, not having the attention span for that.

They shared the story of how they got together, from the moment they first saw each other as kids, at Max's place. The moment when they started to get to know each other, in Brody's basement. All the tragedy that happened with Press, with Johnathan. The moment where they realized that they fell in love, dancing together to can't help falling in love with you by Elvis. When they overcame everything and came back stronger than ever, almost drowning together with Charlie. 

Everyone shared stories about Skye and Abby at the party. Their favorite memories with them. 

Of course Charlie had a lot to share, including the time she walked in on the couple having sex, much to their embarrassment. 

Ofelia, Madison and Dakota told them about the times she went urban exploring with Skye and spoke about a specific time where Skye got scared by a bunny. They spoke about how they met in detention.

Raven, Alex, Sam and Kevin spoke about the bible study group sessions.

Jake told them about how Skye was there to support him when his dad was arrested and his mom send to a psychiatric hospital. 

Nick had a lot of memories to share about their childhood, so did Max, Brandon and Marcus.

Naya told them about the time Skye got them kicked out of church, by screaming that incense gets you high.

MANG had a lot to share about Abby, the sleepovers they had together, how they tricked Georgia once to sneak out to party for Ginny's birthday. Together with Hunter, Brodie and Samantha they spoke about the times in Brodie's basement, their parties, sophomore sleepover and many other memories.

Max, Norah and Abby's parents spoke about her childhood memories. 

The party was nice and everyone had a lot of fun, it was a wedding to remember.

The two ended up having two adopted children, a boy and a girl. All their friends ended up married as well, having 2 or 3 children each. 


Yeah so I wanted to end the story, figured I'd have a happy ending for once. 

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