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Minho was standing in front of the small cafe, leaning against the wall, constantly shifting his weight from foot to foot.

He felt a soft tap on his shoulder and jumped a little, turning to look at the offender.

His eyes widened as they met Jisung's.

"Hi, you're prettier in person," Jisung said.

"I could say the same about you," Minho replied, trying to keep his cool.

The two walked in and found a table together, kind of off to the side so that they could have a bit more privacy.

Minho went up to the counter and ordered them their iced americanos and a slice of cheesecake for them to share.

When he sat back down, he immediately noticed that jisung was nervous, so he struck up a conversation to ease the tension.

"So ji, I have a question," Minho started and Jisung's head snapped up.

"Yes?" Jisung was clearly nervous though Minho couldn't read why.

"How did you come across little old me on Instagram, I mean I'm not complaining but I'm just a random fan account," Minho laughed lightly.

"Oh... I definitely didn't look up my name to see what was under my tag... I wouldn't do that haha," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"That's pretty funny actually, also relax, there's no reason to be so nervous, it's not like it's a date... unless," Minho bit his lip dramatically.

Jisung laughed as he seemed to relax a bit.

Conversation flowed a lot easier after that and the two hardly noticed as their coffees were placed in front of them.

Conversation halted as jisung saw the cheesecake coming over. Minho didn't miss the way his eyes lit up, and he thought that was quite possibly the cutest face he had ever seen in his life.

"You're adorable," Minho muttered without thinking and watched as Jisung's eyes widened and his cheeks became dusted pink.

He buried his head in his hands.

"Minho stop it!" He whined.

"Aww you're blushing," Minho couldn't help but tease.

"I know! That's why I need you to stop that!" Jisung said loudly.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone," Minho said, lightly brushing his hand across Jisung's knuckles, where they were rested on the table.

Eventually it became time for jisung to leave and so minho walked him out to his car.

There was a moment of standing there awkwardly before jisung pulled him in for a hug.

"I had a nice time, we should hang out soon when I'm not so busy," Jisung said into minho's ear.

"Definitely, I'll text you later ji," Minho said, pulling away from the hug and watching as jisung drove off.

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