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Jisung didn't call that night. Or the next. Or the next. Or any night for the next week.

Minho was beginning to get a bit worried as he hadn't heard from the boy since that last call. He knew there was a chance that he had gotten busy, but he was also worried that the boy might not be taking care of himself because from the way he described it, it didn't seem like he tended to.

He decided to risk it and just called jisung. It picked up after the second ring.

"Hello?" That wasn't Jisung's voice, Minho did however, recognize it.

"Chan?" He asked.

"Yes? And you are?" The voice, chan, replied.

"Minho, I'm Jisung's... friend," he said.

"Oh! Minho hi, he's told us all about you," chan said, a smile evident in his voice.

"Anyway, it's just been a while since I heard from jisung, could you check on him and see if he's been eating and sleeping, I was getting a bit worried," Minho said with a sigh of something like relief.

"Hmm, now that you mention it... he hasn't been around the studio the past few days... or the house... he's just kinda been leaving lyrics and demos... yeah let me go check on him," chan said and Minho heard the phone be put down.

He could now hear a voice but it sounded far away.

A door opening noise.

"Jisung? Your boyfriend called!" Minho blushed. "Holy shit mate! You look terrible!" His heart sank.

The door didn't close but he heard footsteps approach the phone.

"Minho, thank you for calling to check on him, can you talk to him while I make him some food?" Chan asked as he brought the phone with him into Jisung's room.

"Yeah of course," Minho said as the call turned to a FaceTime request.

He accepted it and was greeted with a low angle of chan, who was looking at a figure slumped on the desk.

"Sung, it's me," Minho said as chan propped the phone up on the desk, turning the light on as he left.

Jisung turned his head to face the phone. He had bags under his eyes and they were bloodshot from lack of sleep. He truly looked dead.

"Sungie..." Minho whispered.

"Don't." Was all Jisung said.

"Okay, I won't, I can tell you about my week if you'd like," Minho offered and jisung nodded.

He didn't get a chance to start talking before chan placed a bowl of ramen onto the desk.

"Wait chan-ah!" Minho called and chan turned around.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Minho asked and chan nodded, grabbing the phone and bringing it out into the hall with him, softly closing Jisung's door.

"I know you guys are busy with 3racha stuff, I mean that's all jisung told me, but he looks like he's been working himself to death, could he get the day off tomorrow, I'll bring him to my apartment and make sure he eats and sleeps and stuff, I just want to make sure he's okay, it's not good to let him overwork himself like that," Minho said.

"Yeah, I know, he used to get like this a lot, I guess we've all just been too busy to notice, I feel really bad... yeah he can have the day off, text the address of your apartment to his phone and I'll send it to ch- spearb, he'll bring jisung by tomorrow morning. Not that I don't trust you, I just am hesitant about people knowing where we live," chan explained.

"Yeah I get it, I really don't mind, I just want to make sure Jisung's okay, now let me go back to him," Minho said and chan smiled as he brought the phone back to jisung.

Jisung was sitting up a little more now, slowly eating the ramen chan had made.

"Hey jisung-ah, I talked to chan and you're taking the day off tomorrow," Minho said and jisung stopped eating to look at him.

"No! I have to work! I still have so much to do!" He panicked.

"Jisung-ah, look at you, your exhausted and anxious, do you really think you'll work your best in this condition, I talked to chan and he said that he'll have spearb bring you to my apartment sometime tomorrow morning, we can spend the day together and you can meet soonie, doongie, and dori, and then you can go back to working, so long as you promise to take care of yourself," Minho said.

Jisung's head dropped down and he didn't respond. Minho didn't realize why until he saw soft teardrops fall onto the table below.

"Awww sung, don't cry, it's okay," Minho comforted.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just get emotional when I'm tired, thank you for caring about me," Jisung responded.

"Of course, why don't you get in bed Sungie, I'll tell you about my week and you can sleep, at least a little bit," Minho insisted and jisung nodded sleepily as he flipped the phone face down to change into more comfortable clothes.

When he was done, Minho spoke aimlessly and jisung let himself rest for the first time that week.

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