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"Look sung, the cats should be in the living room, you can go play with them while I make us something to eat," Minho said and jisung pouted.

"But I want to stay with you," he whined and Minho's heart melted.

"Okay, you can come hang out with me then, but you need to eat something," Minho said and jisung smiled again, trailing after the older boy.

Minho got busy making food, jumping slightly as he felt Jisung's arms around his stomach and his head resting on his back.

"Jesus, you scared me, are you always this clingy when you're tired?" Minho asked.

"Mhm, I can stop..." Jisung said, suddenly self conscious.

"No, it's cute," Minho reassured, turning around in Jisung's arms to ruffle the smaller's hair.

When the food was done, they ate in silence and then sat together on the couch after agreeing to watch a movie.

Jisung shifted to sit sideways, laying down and placing his head in Minho's lap, pulling the older's hand down to play with his hair.

"Okay bossy, I'll play with your hair," Minho laughed as he started to run his hands through the soft strands.

Jisung didn't even make it thirty minutes into the movie before his eyes were closed and his breathing evened out.

Minho continued to play with the boy's hair as he played on his phone.

When jisung began to stir, it was many hours later, Minho had watched two more movies, but was happy with being still for so long because it meant jisung got to rest.

Jisung sat up, repositioning himself so that he was upright but curled into Minho's side.

"'M sorry, didn't mean to sleep for so long," he said tiredly, still not fully woken up.

"Don't worry, you needed it," Minho said, ruffling Jisung's hair softly.

Jisung let out a soft oomph as a cat hopped into his lap. His eyes widened excitedly as he pet it.

"That's doongie," Minho said, reaching over to scratch behind the cat's ear.

Jisung's head snapped over to meet Minho's eyes. He blushed at how close their faces were but he didn't look away, he only moved closer.

Minho's eyes flicked down to his lips, lingering their before their eyes met again.

Jisung subconsciously drifted closer again. He could feel Minho's hot breath on his lips and he closed the gap.

Minho didn't kiss back but instead after a moment, he lightly pushed jisung away.

"Jisung-ah" he said softly.

Jisung didn't know why, but he teared up a bit, looking away and wiping his eyes.

Minho's hand found Jisung's chin, pulling his face back to make eye contact with the older, who's eyes were soft and caring.

"Jisung-ah, this isn't a rejection, but you're tired, and upset, and stressed out, I can't let you do this right now in case you regret it when you feel better, but if you want to try kissing me again when you are well rested and in a better mood, by all means go ahead, I'm not rejecting you Sungie, I just don't want to take advantage of your emotions right now," Minho said, the pads of his thumbs softly wiping the tears that slid down Jisung's cheeks.

Jisung knew he was right, and was honestly thankful that the boy he liked was so thoughtful and kind. Minho pulled his head down gently, pressing a caring kiss to Jisung's forehead.

Jisung buried his head back into Minho's side, breathing in the strong pine tree scent that seemed to envelop the whole place, the scent that was just so... Minho.

Jisung had never quite been sure if he believed in love at first sight, but seeing Minho made him fully convinced.

They basically just cuddled for the rest of the day, which admittedly there was little of. Jisung's phone rang.

"Hey Changbin," he said as he answered it.

"Hey sung, I'm sorry but chan and I got caught up in the studio, I won't be able to come get you, you can see if Minho can bring you home or you can see if you can stay the night, I'm really sorry dude," Changbin said, Minho could only faintly hear the words but he figured jisung would tell him what the call was about if it was any of his business.

"Mmk, I'll text you with what I decide to do," Jisung said before ending the call.

"The guys got tied up, they can't come get me, can I stay here tonight?" Jisung asked, already having decided that he wanted to stay with Minho for as long as possible.

"Yeah of course, I was thinking about making dinner and then I had some work to do but feel free to make yourself at home, I know you'll probably be up late since you slept all day but..." Minho trailed off.

"I think I could sleep if you sing to me," Jisung said, batting his eyelashes exaggeratedly.

"Mmk loser, well food first," Minho said, placing his hands on his knees to push himself up off the couch.

Jisung followed him eagerly, watching him from the counter as he cooked.

"You're really good at this, where did you learn how to cook?" Jisung asked.

"My mom and grandma used to cook together all the time and I always wanted to help so I picked most of it up there," Minho said, a small smile on his face as he remembered being a little kid trying to help his mom around the house.

"That's really cool, my sister learned to cook but I was always more interested in being outside and making music and that kind of stuff," Jisung said, watching as his feet swung lightly.

Minho finished up dinner, a few more childhood stories being shared as they ate.

"Well I was objectively a pretty stupid kid, one time I ate a rock, choked on it and when it came up, I swallowed it again, I was an actual idiot. One time I was climbing a fence and I slipped and basically got hung on the fence by my pit, I had to get like twenty stitches," Jisung said, lifting his arm and moving his shirt to reveal a huge scar across his armpit.

"Hmm, yeah you sounded pretty dumb. You know I've actually never gotten stitches before. I was a pretty boring kid, I liked dancing, and cooking, and coloring, pretty much all the girly stuff, don't know how they didn't see me being gay from a million miles away," Minho smiled a bit.

"Do they know?" Jisung asked and Minho looked down a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, they took it pretty hard at first, I'm their only kid after all, but it's been a while so I think they're over it," Minho shrugged and the conversation kind of fizzled out as they focused on eating.

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