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Jisung woke up the next morning to the feeling of the even breathing of the boy underneath him. He smiled as he felt the arms wrapped securely around his waist.

The only thought in his brain was that he could get used to this.

His one thought was interrupted by the door being practically kicked down.

Jisung turned his head to see the Felix guy from the previous day.

"Oh! Shit sorry! I did not expect you to still be here! I'm sorry!" Felix said, bowing multiple times as he went to leave.

"Wait! Give me a second!" Jisung called in a whisper yell as he wormed his way out of Minho's arms and gently closed the bedroom door behind him.

He saw Felix feeding Minho's cats and slid onto the counter behind him.

"So, you're Minho's best friend," he started.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm not gonna lie to you I'm still a little surprised. About you and Minho, he didn't tell me like anything, just said he wanted to know where things were going with the cute guy he was talking to before he told me anything, so seeing that it was YOU was definitely shocking," Felix rambled.

"Wait... he said that stuff about me?" Jisung stopped with a blush.

"Yeah, but anyway don't hurt him okay," Felix said, "I know he acts all cool and cold and strong but he's actually a big softie, and he's had some pretty shitty relationships, so just be careful with him, he's my best friend and I don't care how famous you are, I don't want to see him hurt," Felix said, looking dead into Jisung's eyes.

"No need to worry about all that, I've never liked anyone the way I like Minho... I think you're safe, I'm more worried he'll get bored of me or something," Jisung admitted.

"I wouldn't worry about that, he's been obsessed with 3racha for like ever, he would talk about you guys all the time, he got the rest of us into it too, but it seems to me like Minho likes the you he knows more than the you we all get to see and that's saying something cause he liked you guys quite a lot," Felix said and jisung nodded.

"Thanks Felix, that's... good advice..." Jisung trailed off, kind of lost in thought.

He snapped back in as he felt a head rest against his back and arms snake around his waist.

"Morning Minho," Felix said, extremely chipper for the early morning.

"Mhm," Minho mumbled.

"Hey min, the guys will probably pick me up soon, I have to get back to working and stuff, I promise I'll keep in touch though, I won't let it get that bad again," Jisung said quietly.

"Mmk sung, if I don't hear from you I will call chan to check on you though, he gave me his number," Minho said.

"I swear he thinks he's my mother, but okay," Jisung said with a slight eye roll.

After about half an hour of talking there was a knock at the door and Minho slipped away to get the door.

"Jisung, your chauffeurs are here!" He called into apartment.

"I'm coming!" He heard him call back as he heard footsteps through the house, presumably jisung gathering his belongings.

He felt Felix standing behind him like some kind of ominous shadow and moved out of the way slightly.

"Oh and yeah guys, this is Felix, he's my best friend and he's kinda just around some times, so if you ever end up back here chances are you'll find him eventually," Minho introduced and the other two politely greeted him.

Jisung ran over with his things in his arms, stopping at the door to wrap his arms tightly around Minho, pressing his lips to the older's cheek. The other two band members gave each other knowing looks before jisung stepped out into the hallway and dragged them away from the apartment.

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