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The show was the last time they saw each other, or even really talked before jisung was texting Minho while sitting in the airport.

Jisungie <3
Ahhh I'm so nervous
I've never been to america before

Minnie <33
I'm sure it'll be great! :)
When does your flight leave?

Jisungie <3
We board in like half an hour :(

Minnie <33
Hey, don't worry
You can call me once you get settled into your hotel room
I know you won't be able to talk much through the next few months but you can text me whenever you're free and I'll be here waiting to hear all about America when you get home :)

Jisungie <3
I know and thank you <3
You always know how to make me feel better


Jisung clicked his phone off as the plane was taking off, resting his head back against the seat.

"You okay?" Changbin asked.

"Yeah, I'm just sad I won't get to see Minho," Jisung sighed.

"You'll still get to talk to him, I'll make sure you get enough free time to call him sometimes, even if it means I have to break some people's legs," Changbin assured.

"Okay, maybe we don't need to go THAT far," Jisung rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

He slept for most of the flight, but when he was finally shaken awake as it landed, he was buzzing with excitement at the prospect of calling Minho as soon as they got to the place they would be staying.

The airport was buzzing and crowded, making jisung grip onto changbin's elbow, so that he wouldn't get lost.

It was overwhelming, the amount of people, the new place, the amount of unfamiliar language pouring into his ears, but more than anything the fact that he was 6,000 miles from the boy who lived in his mind everyday.

The next thing he knew, he was laying on his stomach, FaceTiming Minho with a huge smile on his face. He knew he was probably driving Changbin insane, he was trying to sleep next door, but jisung couldn't bring himself to care as he rambled about everything he possibly could think of.


Every show went well, jisung had a routine, he would get overwhelmed and panic, he would go on stage and be just fine, and then he would go back to the hotel and melt into a phone call with Minho if he was available.

There was still two months left to the tour and Minho hadn't heard from jisung in quite a while, he wasn't worried because he had expected a surge of busyness but he was still hoping to hear from jisung or at least for him to post something.

Minho was sitting at home, tapping some final words into the thing he was working on before closing his laptop and getting up, gently pushing soonie out of the way with his foot as he walked towards the kitchen.

He heard his phone buzz in the kitchen and snatched it up to check if it was from jisung.

He had a message from Felix but the message he had just received was from an unknown number. He checked that one first.


Hey, Minho

Um who is this?

It's chan
I actually have something to ask of you

Oh! Yeah of course
What's up?

So we are going to be in California for about a month and Changbin and I wanted to see if we could fly you out to meet us.
You don't have to stay for very long, just as long as you can, but Jisung's been down and we know he'd probably feel a lot better if he got to see you.
He's not doing terrible so don't worry, he's just tired and anxious about all the new places he's been going to and we think you could put some of his sparkle back into his performances.

Yeah sure, I'll have Felix cover my dance classes and keep me caught up, and I work from home anyway, jeongin can watch my cats, when do you need me to come?

As soon as you want, we'll look for tickets and text you the information as soon as we get you one.

Okay yeah!
Thank you!


He hadn't even thought about it, just the idea of seeing jisung made him agree right away, so instead he walked upstairs and rang Felix as he started to pack up.

"Hey lix," he said as the call connected.

"Hey min, what's up?" Felix replied.

"I'm packing to go to America," he said nonchalantly.

"What?!?!" Felix exclaimed, you could hear him leaning forward and Minho could imagine his eyes bulging out of his head.

"Chan wants me to go and cheer jisung up so I'm flying to him," Minho said and Felix let out a small aww.

"That's so romantic, you guys are adorable," Felix cooed.

"Yeah? I've heard you and Changbin have been talking quite a bit these days," Minho suggested.

"We have, but not like that, he just likes me as a friend," Felix said, his phrasing making Minho think that Felix may have opposing feelings.

The two continued to talk for a while before Minho realized the time and that he needed to call jeongin to beg him to look after his cats.

"Okay bye bye now, I'll let you know when I leave, I expect you to see me off at the airport," Minho said putting on a posh accent.

"Tata now my love," Felix said, blowing a loud kiss into the phone.

Minho hung up, checking to see that chan had sent him a link to his ticket, which was for three days from now.

He quickly dialed jeongin and it took ample begging and bribery to get him to agree but we all know jeongin is a sucker for romance so he agreed well enough.

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