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The day of the concert came and the four boys were excitedly getting ready, seungmin and jeongin were still not aware of Minho's connection with the group but they were just happy to be there.

Minho was practically shaking with excitement, he knew this was the last time he would probably see jisung before he had to leave on his tour. He knew they probably wouldn't get to talk much but he still was just happy to get to see him.

The group was standing in the now crowded venue, having pushed their way to the front to get to their seats.

They didn't know it but jisung was talking to one of the security people, telling them to stop that group after the show and bring them backstage.

The music started and the boys came out on the stage. Minho and jisung made eye contact and the boy on stage flashed a blinding smile into the crowd, though Minho knew it was only meant for him.

The show was great, jisung performed amazingly and Minho couldn't peel his eyes away. The screams from the crowd were deafening as the lights faded and the boys left the stage.

As the people started to flood out of the area, a guard stopped Minho from moving.

"The boys have requested you and your friends be brought backstage once the people clear out," he huffed shortly.

Minho told the rest, Felix seeming unfazed while the other two were kind of freaking out.

As they were led back, seungmin and jeongin had a rapid fire stream of questions, which remained unanswered as the door to backstage flung open and jisung threw himself onto Minho, squeezing him tightly.

"Hey goofy, you guys did great, you looked good up there," Minho whispered the last part and jisung blushed a bit, burying his face into Minho's shoulder.

"Okay is someone gonna tell us what's going on here?" Jeongin asked.

"Minho is dating j.one," Felix clarified unhelpfully.

"We can see that," seungmin rolled his eyes.

"We aren't dating Felix," Minho argued.

"Not yet," he added with a wink and jisung lightly hit him in shock.

"We've been talking over Instagram and we've hung out a few times, they are the ones who got you guys tickets," jisung explained, gesturing to his bandmates.

"Wow Minho, seems you've had an eventful few months," seungmin said, arms still crossed over his chest as he plopped down into one of the chairs backstage.

"Are we even your friends anymore? You've been hanging out with a boy band and you didn't even tell us," jeongin exclaimed as he placed the back of his hand to his forehead and 'fainted' into Felix's arms.

Felix just held the boy up as best he could, used to his antics.

"Wow Minho, you're friends with some of the most dramatic people I've seen in my life, and that's saying something because I live with that guy," Changbin said, shoving an accusing finger in Jisung's direction.

"They aren't that bad once you get used to them," Minho said as Felix shoved jeongin back to his feet, who clearly wasn't prepared for it as he stumbled and almost fell again.

He would've fallen had it not been for chan catching him at the last moment. Jeongin's hands braced himself on chan's chest, before blushing as he realized their proximity. He shoved himself away and stood up straight, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers.

"I- I'm jeongin..." he meekly introduced himself, making chan laugh a little.

"Chan, and that's Changbin, and jisung," chan said as he revealed the group's real names to everyone back stage.

Conversations mostly broke off as people started to group up, chan, seungmin, and jeongin were all sitting on the couch talking about something excitedly, while Changbin and Felix were leaning against a wall talking in hushed voices.

Jisung had pulled Minho by his wrist into the hallway and the two were talking, Minho leaning casually against the wall and jisung facing him.

Suddenly jisung stopped talking, glancing at the ground before glancing back up to Minho, who also stopped talking at this point, completely entranced in Jisung's gaze.

Jisung's eyes jumped down to Minho's lips before he brought their eyes back together as he leaned in, hands finding Minho's cheeks.

He felt Minho's hands rest on his waist, pulling him closer as their lips touched. Their eyes fell closed as they drank in the feeling of the other.

The kiss was soft, even as their lips began to move against each other, it stayed gentle and passionate.

Neither boy heard as the door to the backstage room opened and then quickly closed, too busy drowning in the feeling of the other's lips against their own.

Slowly, softly, they pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other's.

No words were exchanged, not even teasing remarks as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Eventually the door opened again.

"Okay I gave you guys time last time, but Jesus Christ are you done yet?" Felix asked and both boys turned to look at him, bright red blushes on their cheeks.

"I- yeah," Jisung said before walking into the backstage room with head down, his walk giving away how embarrassed he was.

Minho chuckled a bit before following him in, pulling jisung to sit on his lap in one of the armchairs.

The looks on everyone's faces made it evident to them that Felix had told everyone what he had seen in the hallway.

Minho decided 'fuck it' and pressed a quick kiss to Jisung's cheek, who instantly averted his gaze to the floor and blushed deeper if it was even possible.

Eventually the group had to leave, one more kiss exchanged between jisung and Minho as they parted ways.

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