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When jisung woke up the next morning, it was almost eleven o'clock. He was shocked he could've slept for so long but his heart jumped out of his chest at the sound of shifting coming from his nightstand.

His eyes darted to the source of the sound before his memory of his call with Minho resurfaced. He was greeted with the sight of the older tangled up in his bed sheets, arms hugging his pillow with a cat resting on his back. He smiled at it as he slipped into his bathroom to get ready.

It took him maybe half an hour and as he walked back into the room he saw as Minho sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes, hand idly petting the cat that was now in his lap.

"Good morning hyung," Jisung said as he grabbed his phone off of the nightstand.

"Morning jisungie, did you sleep alright?" The older questioned.

"Yeah, thank you for calling me, that was the first full night of sleep I've gotten... probably all week," Jisung admitted sheepishly.

"Of course sung, I'm always available if you need me... well unless I'm at dance but usually I'm available," Minho said.

"Thank you, now I have to go meet 3racha at the studio, I'll text you later hyung," Jisung said, ending the call.

Minho flopped back onto the mattress.

"He's cute isn't he, soonie?" He addressed the cat lounging on his lap.

Obviously the cat did not respond, but instead jumped onto the floor and started to head towards the kitchen to be fed.

Minho rolled his eyes and followed after the feline, thoughts occupied by the boy he had been talking to.


"Hyung, are you okay, you seem distracted?" Felix asked, shaking Minho's arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got something on my mind," he shook his head a bit, looking into the mirror as he continued stretching.

"Oooh, what is it?" Felix asked teasingly.

"Just this person I've been talking to," Minho said with an equally teasing smirk on his face. Felix's jaw dropped.

"You've been talking to someone and you didn't tell me! Minho! I thought we were friends!" Felix fake cried.

"We are! I just didn't know how to bring it up, we started messaging on Instagram and we met up recently for coffee, it was nice, I like him," Minho explained.

"Oh so it's a him? Do you have any pictures of this mystery man?" Felix asked, trying to grab for Minho's phone, which he quickly snatched away.

"Yes, but not for you to see," Minho said, slipping his phone into his bag.

"Ooh so you guys are already exchanging ~those~ pictures," Felix wiggled his eyebrow suggestively.

"No! We are not!" Minho quickly refuted, turning red.

"Mmk, but I expect to hear more about this mystery boy," Felix said and Minho sighed.

"You will, just not yet, I want to see where it's going first, you'll probably meet him eventually," Minho replied, standing up from the floor as the instructor walked in.



Jisungie <3
Can we call again tonight
Chan says I need to sleep
I want to hear your voice

Minnie <33
Of course ji
Who's chan??

Jisungie <3
Ah shit
Guess it's too late now
Chan is CB97's name

Minnie <33
Ah i see
Anyway I need like thirty minutes, I just got home from dance
I'll call you when I get out of the shower :)

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