1 🐍

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It was another chaotic day at monster high, students covering the halls and loud conversations, one pair of students standing out from the rest as Cleo Denile and Deuce Gorgon walk down the halls. His hand placed on her hip as she goes on about her usual problems.
"So I wasn't able to fit into the dress, and the lady at the store as the actual NERVE to say I should try a bigger size! Me! Can you even imagine the humiliation, Deniles do not need a bigger size!" She just keeps talking, not even asking Deuce about his weekend since they'd meet up.

"Uh huh, yea... that's so weird babe" he mutters, letting her talk over him. It was weird, when they started dating he thought it was cute how she was always so dramatic, but now he just wanted it to be over. As if an angel was answering his prayers the bell finally rings. "Ah, sorry babe I gotta go!" He kisses her cheek before walking off, taking a large sigh as he finally gets to relax with his guilty pleasure.

Home ick was always a favourite for Deuce, he wouldn't admit it to save his life though. I mean what would the guys say? What would Cleo say? Deuce gnaws at his bottom lip as he walks into the classroom, sitting down at his usual seat. Glancing next to him the snake haired manster sees one of his classmates, a purple haired ghoul with her face on the desk asleep. Nothing out of the usual though, she was always like this, Deuce didn't even know what her face looked like.

As the students fills up each desk the teacher comes in, placing a piece of paper between every 2 students "settle down everyone, I need you to lend me your ears" she calls out, suddenly an ear is thrown at her face and laughter erupts in the class "...I'll be keeping this I guess" she picks up the ear and locks it in one of the cabinets. "Now, everyone in this classroom has been assigned a partner for the rest of this year, you will complete homework together, do assignments together, and be graded together. I expect the best behaviour from all of you. I will give you some time to get to know your partner."

Deuce looks through his sheet and reads his partners name, confused since he's never heard the name before he looks around the room but everyone's already partnered up. "Erm... dude, Who's Kiki Lu...?" The teacher, not even looking up from her book points to the napping girl beside him. He rolls his eyes and moves closer "hey, you gonna wake up?" He mutters when balled up paper comes flying at her. The ghoul catches it without even lifting her head up, throwing it back to the classmate so fast the paper catches fire. While the class freaks out trying to put out the fire, Kiki sits up stretching her arms above her head.
Deuce can't help but watch as she pushes her tentacle-like hair out of her face, looking around confused at the chaos but ultimately shrugs it off. Muttering something to herself in what he could only assume was gibberish. He clears his throat "we got partnered up, I..." he pauses as he finally gets a look into her eyes, they were a swirl of every colour he could imagine, and instead of a white sclera it was like a galaxy completely in her eyes. Unable to keep talking Deuce slides the paper over to the ghoul letting her read.

"Ah..." is all she says in response, no noticeable reaction went over her face. He squinted his eyes trying to figure out how she felt being partnered up with him. Annoyed? Sad? Disappointed? Happy? Excited? He didn't understand her and that was driving him a little nuts. She tilts her head to the side before slowly leaning closer "snakes... do you plan on having children?"

"W-wha?!" Deuces face goes red at the sudden question, along with her coming super close to him. "I haven't thought about that... I- I guess in the future..?" As he talks Kiki doesn't stop getting closer, reaching to gently touch one of his snakes. "A-ah I wouldn't do that, they don't like strangers touching them!"

To his surprise the snakes coils around her hand, resting it's head in her palm as she gently strokes it. "Snakes are a symbol for fertility, so keep that in mind when you're older" she says, unaware that at this point she was only inches away Deuce. "They're beautiful... you must really take good care of them".

Biting his lip as he sits completely still, Deuce looks away trying not to show how good it felt when she pet his head "u-uh yea... they get kinda snippy if I don't keep them all in good shape...". She finally pulls away and sits back in her chair, letting out another soft yawn. "So back on topic... could I get your number so we can keep in contact?" 

She raises an eyebrow at him, letting out a disinterested huff "are you sure you should ask me that? What would your girlfriend say if she found out?" She asks suggestively, taking a picture of their worksheet before standing up.

"Ah! No that's not what I-"

"Snakes are also a symbol of deceit, so I shouldn't be surprised" Kiki says walking rewords the door "I won't tell her, that's not my business." Left speechless, Deuce only watches as the ghoul walks right past the teacher out of the classroom.

"What an odd girl..." he mutters to himself, looking down at the sheet "Kiki Lu... hm..."

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