9 🐙

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(Art by me... do you like it 🥺)

Deuce waits outside of his school, standing at the steps waiting for someone. He looks up as Clawds car parks in front of the school, all the Wolf siblings step out followed by Kiki.

The manster waits for the other to pass before moving in front of Kiki. "Clawd told me about the lake, are you alright? What were you doing there?!" He asks worried. "If something's wrong then you could've come to me!"

Kiki looks away, biting down on her lip as she remembers Clawds advice. "It was nothing important, I didn't want to bother you." She says softly, glancing up at his expression. "I'm sorry if I've been clinging to you Deuce, I'm still not used to friendships..." she moves past him and walks off. "See you in class."

Confused by her words, Deuce goes inside and hurried through the halls. Stopping at the locker of Clawds younger sister Clawdeen. He taps her shoulder and the werewolf turns to face him. "What do ya want Deuce?" She asks, applying a layer of red lipstick.

"Do you know what happened with Kiki? She's acting weird and Clawd won't tell me shit."

"I dunno, he just came home last night carrying her in his arms. He said some junk about her going through something private before going to bed." She shrugs, turning away from him. "I think he's got a bit of a crush on her... as long as he's not dating Draculaura I'm cool with it. She seems nice enough"

Deuces eye twitches feeling her words hit a cord inside him. "T-they're not dating!" He says quickly before storming off. "He wouldn't do that..." he repeats to himself. Hurrying to his classroom early to distract himself from the situation.

Without knowing, he passes Kiki looking through her locker for her textbook. A pair of heels move behind her, tapping impatiently. Without looking up she rolls her eyes. "Go away." She says coldly.

"I will. Once you leave my manster alone!" That familiar pompous voice says. Kiki turns to see the popular mummys angry scowl. "I know what ghouls like you are about and I'm not letting you steal Deuce." Kiki gives her a blank stare before walking past her, but Cleo follows her. "Ah! You have some nerve walking away from me."

"Deuce is not your property. If you have a problem with me then maybe your relationship isn't as stable as you think." she says coldly, moving through the other students.

Staring in disbelief, the mummy grabs her wrist letting out a shrill "HOW DARE YOU!" Everyone in the halls stop and stare at the scene Cleo was starting. "You boyfriend stealing tramp!"

"This is a waste of my time." Kiki pushes her away, gently rubbing her wrist. "It is not my job to validate your insecurities."

"Insecure?! Ever since you arrived Deuce has turned against me!" Cleo yells back, stamping her foot on the floor. "You can either leave, or I will ruin you!"

"Just to be clear... that is a threat, correct?" Kiki looks at the crowd for answers, seeing them nod their head. "Ah. I wasn't sure..."

Scoffing and rolling her eyes, Cleo looks at the ghoul with a holier than thou smirk. "I can't tell if you play dumb for sympathy or if you're actually this much of a socially inept freak! Let me make it more clear for you" she says before slapping Kiki across the face.

Clawd pushes past the crowd and gets in between the ghouls. "Are you crazy?!" He growls at Cleo before facing Kiki "Do you need an ice pack?"

"You've even got Clawd wrapped around your unmanicured finger! First she ruins my relationship and now Draculauras?!" She says, gesturing to the short vampire in pink.

"No no no! Keep me out of this Cleo!" The vampire says nervously as the crowd murmurs.

"Yea Cleo, Shut your trap!" Clawd howls louder. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"

Kiki gently presses on the red mark left on her cheek. Her widening at the sensation. "So this is pain... I quite like it" she mutters, looking up at Clawd with a blank expression. "Hold my bag for a second" she passes it to him, rummaging through the bag to grab something.

"Are we really going to just let her manipulate all the mansters at monster high!?" Cleo says faking more tears to gain sympathy points.

Deuce finally overhears the ruckus and comes out right as Kiki winds up and swings. The whole hall goes quiet at the echo of a slapping sound followed by Cleo's body hitting the floor.

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