13.5 🐙

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Kiki sits at the back of her class, gripping her icoffin so hard it might shatter. Her fingers tremble as she tries to find a way to find the words to explain herself.
"I'm sorry Deuce, my family is just"
She hits backspace.
"I'm just trying to protect you"
She hits backspace again, nothing felt like it could explain the situation. Eventually giving up, Kiki hides her face in her arms feeling hopeless. She feels her phone ringing, glaring at the caller id, she declines without a second thought.

But the ringing doesn't stop, a low pulse ringing throughout her mind. Kiki clutches her hair, her body shaking as pain jolts up and down her body. She closes her eyes tightly as the black tar leaks out of her eyes. She opens her eyes to look for help, only to find herself in her old realm of nothingness. The air was thin and cold as the world stood still around her.

"You have disappointed me Cythlla." A low voice echoes.

She subconsciously falls to her knees, her lip quivering "I-I'm sorry Father... I just need another chance."

"I am already regretting letting you out of you chains, you have yet to prove how purposeful the mortal world is for a vessel."

"But I've learnt so much! There are so many emotions and etiquette you wouldn't believe, mortals can be so intriguing if you'd just-"

"You think I don't know this already? Do not act as if you have uncovered anything new."

"I'm not Father, I just think-"

"You do not exist to think. Do not forget your place Cythlla."

Kiki takes a short breath, her body not finding the strength to move. "Yes Father, I'm sorry."

"These beings are not your friend. Do you truly believe that gorgon would any inclination to be with you if he knew what you were?"
The words pierce through her chest. Hesitantly Kiki drops her head to check her body, her heart stopping at the sight of her lovecraftian form. "You are not one of them. They might smile and pretend they can teach you, but when they realise how futile it is they will grow bored. Mortals move on and leave, it is simply their nature." A hand reach from the void, forcing her head up. "Do not forget our talk. Your siblings will be keeping a close eye on you. Do not disappoint me more than you already have."

She shuts her eyes tight, her chest tightening "Yes father..."

Kiki opens her eyes, she's back in her classroom looking down at her text messages. She reads through a few texts Deuce left, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she deletes his number.

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