2 🐙

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Deuce looks around the creepateria for Kiki's noticeable hair, after the conversation in the previous class he'd felt like he had to explain himself. He'd never cheat! Sure Kiki was definitely pretty, beautiful actually... but he was loyal!

He feels a tug on his arm and looks down at the unamused face of cleo "Deuce are you sitting with us or not? Don't just stand there!"

"Oh sorry babe, I was just-"

"Whatever, just sit" she pulls him down next to her before continuing her conversation with Frankie and Draculara. He sighs and rests his arm on her shoulder, staring off into the distance when Kiki walks through the door. Her eyes focused on the book in her hands, she grabs a bag of chips from the counter and sits at an empty table. "Can you believe her? Tentacle suckers are so last season..." Cleo snickers, deuce grits his teeth but doesn't react. "And that running mascara effect. How tacky, does she not even care about her appearance?"

Before Deuce can tell her to knock it off, Kiki looks directly into her eyes, making it clear that she heard Cleo. "Do you focus so much on your appearance because you know there isn't anything else about you people like?" She asks, tilting her head slightly.

Cleo gasps "excuse me?!"

"The designer clothes that aren't worth the money you spent, the hours of face care routines and make up, the constant checking to make sure you didn't mess up... all to hide the fact that deep down you aren't very interesting, that if it weren't for your beauty then nobody would ever tolerate you. Insecurity is an troubling emotion is it not? It makes you feel like you're the worst so you compensate by acting like you're the best." by the time Kiki had finished talking the whole creepateria was silent. Even after saying something so strange, she looked around not knowing what she said wrong. Glancing over to deuce before walking away. She stops outside the door "oh and it isn't mascara... it's a birth mark"

"Babe... are you okay?" He asks, looking down at her face.

Cleo pushes him away, gritting her teeth "why didn't you defend me? You're my boyfriend right? So why were you just sitting there while I'm insulted by that... that... Neanderthal!"

He sighs, looking away as he scratches the back of his neck "I mean... you kinda started it babe... insulting her first and everything..."

"Ugh! Just leave me alone if you're gonna act this way" she commands, waving him off dismissively.

Deuce rolls his eyes under his sunglasses "whatever..." he mutters before leaving, walking out to find the tentacle haired girl. Looking in all the rooms he could think off, he leans against one of the widows thinking that she'd disappeared into thin air. But when he looks out the window she can't help but chuckle "cute..." he says quietly, walking outside the front of the school where Kiki lies down on the lawn looking up at the sky. He stands over her, a small smile spread across his face "you know you're not allowed out here, right?"

"I haven't gotten in trouble before, so I'll keep doing it..." she says back, her expression not changing in the slightest. Deuce can't help but laugh, sitting down next to her "so why are you here then? If it's so against the rules..."

"I just wanted to explain myself... and what happened earlier" he says, looking away from her "I wasn't trying to hit on you or anything, I just figured that we could do the homework easier if we exchanged numbers! I'd never try to flirt with a girl while already having a girlfriend!" Seeing her face hasn't changed Deuce gets more nervous "that being said it's not like you aren't attractive! You're super hot, I just wouldn't do that while being with someone! I'm not the sort of person who ever che-"

"Why are you doing this?"

Deuce stops talking and looks back at her. "H-huh? Doing what?"

"Trying to convince me you're a good person." Kiki sits up, looking him in the eye with her with a softer expression. She looked confused, almost like she was trying to solve a puzzle "we don't know eachother, I have no opinion of you. Yet you're actively trying to make me think you're a loyal boyfriend, why? I'm not your girlfriend you don't need to convince me you're loyal".

He thinks about it for a second before laughing again "because I think you're a cool person... and I want you to think that I'm cool too..."

"Well you shouldn't try, we're only gonna spend time together in home ick. And you already have friends, the opinion of a stranger shouldn't mean anything" Kiki mutters, crossing her legs and resting her cheek in the palm of her hand.

"Well... what if I want to be your friend? Would you hate that?" He moves closer to her, glancing up into her eyes.

She looks back at him, thinking through the question "a friend... how meaningless..." she thinks to herself "then again, I did come here to experience these things... and it is kinda cute how hard he's trying..."
Kiki lets out a sigh and sticks her hand out "give me your Icoffin..." He raises an eyebrow at her but hands over his phone. She types something in before handing it back "only message me about home ick work" She says before walking away.

Deuce watches in confusion, but smiles as he looks down at her contact information. He quickly stands up and calls out "r-read you loud and clear dude!"

Carnal desires of infinity [Deuce]Where stories live. Discover now