12 🐙

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Kiki reaches to unlock her front door, but stops as she sees the door cracked open. Her fingers lightly nudge the door making it fly open more. She freezes in place seeing a man sit at her table, his feet kicked up as he reads. The strange man glances up from his magazine with a cocky smirk, his skin being a sickly pale blue and having shallow dents where his eyes were meant to be. "Hello Cthylla."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing in Kikis home dude?" Deuce pulls the ghoul behind him, reaching out to grab the strangers collar.

He stops, feeling Kiki hold his arm. "Why are you here Ythogtha, I highly doubt your sentence was cut short" she moves in front of Deuce. Crossing her arms as she gives Ythogtha a cold stare.

"I made bail, father wanted to make sure his little insurance policy wasn't getting into trouble" he turns his head to the snake haired man "or fraternising with any lesser beings..."

Instinctively wrapping his arms around her shoulders, Deuce holds the ghoul close glaring at Ythogtha "listen here Ye- Yeth- whoever you are! No one gets to talk to Kiki like that. I don't know if you know who you're talking to dude because Kiki is a panther god and could crush you!"

"Pantheon" the others correct him in unison

"I'm disappointed in you sister, so much potential in that little head... well- not really, but more than a typical Neanderthal" Ythogtha taps his chin as if in thought "and this is the sort of company you keep? What a slap in the face to all the power you've been gifted."

The snakes on Deuces head hiss threateningly as he clenched his jaw "hey bro! Kiki can do whatever she wants, you have no right to belittle her like that!"

The brother doesn't acknowledge Deuce, looking at Kiki with a pointed stare "Kiki? That's all you could think of? My god it's as if you've made it your mission to debase yourself Cthylla..."

"Kiki is the most beautiful name in the world, and if you say otherwise then I'm gonna-"

He's cut mid sentence by a cold voice. "This is a private matter Gorgon, leave us" he look down to see Kiki pulled away, her arms crossed defensively as she avoids eye contact.

He blinks a couple times in disbelief "oh... um... if that's what you want dude, I'll see you in class?"

Deuce leans in to kiss her cheek, but she takes a step back clearing her throat. "Yes. I'll see you in home ick." She answers quickly, unable to meet his eyes. "Hopefully."

"Ew, don't tell me you're actually growing attached to a mortal?" Ythogtha interrupts, leading Deuce out the door. "I know you think you're teaching her humanity... but Cthylla is nothing more than a vessel for Cthulus grand plan. And we'd appreciate it if you didn't tarnish her with your dirty emotions. Goodbye dude" he says tauntingly, closing the door in Deuces face.

The snaked haired man stares in disbelief for a few minutes. His body moving on its own as he walks to school. The scene replaying in his head on repeat, unable to comprehend what had just happened. "Kiki would never let someone talk to her like that, who even is that jackass... she looked so uncomfortable, I-I've gotta do something" he'd mutter to himself, biting into his nail.

He's stuck in this dazed until he feels someone pulling his ear. "The hell's going on with you?" Clawd asks, letting go of him. "You've been muttering the same thing for 20 minutes."

Deuce looks up realising he was standing in front of his locker, the rest of the casketball team staring at him confused. "Oh... sorry dudes, I met Kiki's brother today and she got all weird..."

"Meeting her family huh? Things are moving pretty fast~" Clawd nudges his arm "how weird could it have possibly gotten?"

"You've met Kiki right... or should I say Cthylla?" Deuce leans against the lockers puzzled.

"You both are way too into Kiki" Heath Burns, a slimmer manster with flaming red hair speaks up "if you're asking me-"

"We never are"

"-you guys need to just move on and get a chick who's less confusing!" He grins widely, finger gunning at a few ghouls passing by them. "Like Clawd, how are things going with that hottie Latina that totally kicked your ass at casketball?"

Clawd raises an eyebrow, rolling his eyes at Heaths comment "I don't remember Alejandra kicking my ass... but I have a clear memory of her wiping the floor with you while I laughed from the bleachers."

"...well you're the captain... so our failures are your failures!"

"Wait you broke up with Draculara and met someone already? How have I not heard of this?" Deuce places a hand on Clawds shoulder.

"Things are going fine, she just isn't looking for a manster right now" The werewolf shrugs nonchalantly "You've been busy trying to grow some balls and ask out Kiki."

"I just wish you'd told me about this though... I could've helped you" he scratched the back of his neck.

Clawd let's out a laugh "I have a life outside of your desperate attempts to bang Kiki or whatever her real name is, but thanks bro I know you're trying"

"You guys sound like an old married couple..." Heath interrupts the conversation again, only to pulled away by a fishman with a glass jar holding his face in water.

"Guys are allowed to care about eachother, don't be jealous just because you have no friends" the fishman teases.

Heath sticks his tongue out "whatever Gil, as long as you don't be jealous since I'm so hot" he says, his hair bursting into flames to emphasize his point.

"Yea yea we're all so jealous of you hot head..." Clawd waves him off, but trails off at the end.

Gesturing Deuce to watch as Kiki walks past them nervously rambling in a foreign language. "Ymg' ah'ehye mgfm'latghnanah" She stops in front of her locker where a Minotaur had a smaller student pinned against it. She doesn't look up from the floor, pushing him away with inhuman strength. She pulls open her locker and grabs her book, leaving dents in the metal from her tight grip.

"Oh... so that's what you meant by weird..." Clawd whispers to deuce.

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