10 🐍

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The crowd in the halls had cleared and monsters had gone back to their classes. The school was eerily quiet yet overwhelming as whispers of what had occurred fill every classroom. Rumours had already spread and everyone was picking sides.

"ASSAULTED!" A loud voices echoes through the halls, Cleo sits on the headmistresses office. A large bruise had already formed around her broken nose as she holds paper towels against it to stop the bleeding. "I WAS ASSAULTED BY THIS TERRIBLE GHOUL AND YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?!"

"Miss DeNile..." The headless headmistress sighs, tapping her fingers against the desk as she looks over both students. Cleo fuming with rage while Kiki sits calmly, not a hint of guilt or worry showing on her face. "I can not ethically punish either of you until I've reviewed what happened..."

Cleo stands up, stomping her foot on the ground. "SHE BROKE MY NOSE WITH HER TEXTBOOK!"

"And you slapped her." The headmistress retorts, looking over the clear hand mark across Kiki's cheek. "And judging by what students have told me... you're the aggressor."

Sputtering as she tries to think of an argument, Cleo keeps her glares. "She started it when she's spent months ruining my relationship!"

"Cleo SILENCE!" The headmistress raises her voice and mummy finally stops talking and sits back down. "I will be conducting an investigation on what happened... until I know what happened, Kiki Lu you are suspended" she looks at Kiki and is met with the same blank stare. "And Cleo... I cannot suspend you as we need you for the the fearleading team..."

"Ha! Take that fre-"

"But you will have detention." She cuts Cleo off sternly. The mummy gasps and scoffs but doesn't fight back, simply sinking into her seat.

Kiki stands up and finally speaks "Headmistress that will not do. I came here to experience highschool. I've spent the last 15,999,999 years at home and I do not intend to spend god knows how much longer while I wait for this investigation to end."

"I'm sorry miss Lu but I don't think-"

"May I speak with you privately? Just for a moment" As she speaks, Kiki raises an eyebrow at Cleo.

The mummy rolls her eyes and huffs "I was going to go to the hospital anyway..." She says grabbing her bag and slamming the door behind her. Looking over as Deuce, Clawd and a short Zombie girl with glasses wait at the door. "What do you want?"

"To support Kiki, ya cold hearted bitch." Clawd immediately glares back at her, his uncharacteristic anger resulting a shocked looked from everyone.

"Wow..." Deuce mutters before clearing his throat. Looking away from his ghoulfriend as he moves closer to the wolfman. "But he's right, I'm here to make sure she's ok."

The rage was apparent in Cleos eyes, gritting her teeth together as her glare shoots right through Deuce. "Make sure SHE'S ok?! YOU SHOULD BE CHECKING ON ME! I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"

"Are you? Are we even a couple anymore Cleo... I stopped feeling good about us and I think you have too..." The snaked haired man admits, crossing his arms defensively.

"I... you don't..." Cleo looks away sadly. "This... IS ALL HER FAULT!"



The zombie speaks up, letting out a collection of groans and moans. Clawd leans down to listen. "What's that Ghoulia? Something about neurotypical ableism?"

"Ugh just ignore her! She's always making up these words like 'bigotry' and 'narcissism' to confuse me." Cleo huffs before turning back to her boyfriend "I will not be treated like a second priority... since that robot of a ghoul was suspended I'm feeling generous. So I'm giving you one last chance to make it up to me..." she glares at him before storming off, the sound of her heels echoing in the halls. Shortly after, Ghoulia groans to indicate she needs to go then walks in the opposite direction.

The door opens and Kiki walks out with a worried, even scared expression on her face. She leans against the door and takes a deep breath. "Stupid... you're so stupid why did you do that..."

"Kiki..." Clawd says in a hush tone. Looking over and realising that she had an audience, she quickly stands up straight and clears her throat. "You doing ok?"

"Yes. I'm just feeling lightheaded" she answers quickly, looking over Clawds shoulder at Deuce. "You both didn't need to wait for me, you're missing class."

"It was just study hall, you're more important! Right bro?" The wolf man nudges Deuce closer to her.

He looks into her eyes, his face going a bit red "of course she is! You mean a lot to m- U-US!" He corrects himself quickly and looks away, seeing Clawd shake his head disapprovingly.

"Well you don't need to worry. I've been sent home for the day so go back to class." She turns to leave.

Deuce and Clawd give eachother looks before Deuce calls out. "And the day after that? You're not really suspended right?!"

Stopping in her tracks, the ghoul glances back at them. "I made a deal. Don't worry about it..." is all she says before leaving.

Kiki had walked out of the school, leaving the two boys alone. They stand in silence wondering what her words really meant. Neither of them said a word to eachother until Clawd roughly slaps the back of Deuces head.
"Ow! What the fuck?" He grunts, rubbing the spot Clawd had slapped.

Rolling his eyes, the wolf pushes his friend forward "You're really just gonna leave her?! Go and comfort Kiki you dick!" He says with an irritated voice.

"Dude... Kiki is more complicated than that, sometimes she just needs to be left alone" Deuce says back. "I don't wanna smother her..."

"Complicated my ass! She needs someone, so go support her before I do!" He keeps pushing Deuce down the hall until he's finally out the door.

"Argh! Fine! But when she give her her angry blank stare for annoying her, I'm blaming you!" The snaked haired man says before catching up to Kiki.

Clawd watches as he hurries off, letting out a low sigh "he is so dumb... and so hopeless..." he chuckles to himself

Carnal desires of infinity [Deuce]Where stories live. Discover now