7 🐙

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Kiki stands in her kitchen sitting atop her counter. Her ear pressed against her icoffin as she listens quietly, letting out a quiet sigh. "Yes father, I understand." She mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Just give me a couple more months, that's all I ask" she requests, putting on an oven mitt as the timer rings.
"It's just the oven Father" she groans, pulling a hot tray of spinach puffs out of the oven. "I'm aware father, but for my classes I've been eating more regularly. I'll call you back when I'm less occupied."
She's about to hang up when her eyes widen "He isn't like that! I don't know what Ythogtha has been telling you but he's full of shit!" Kiki slams the phone down, her body shaking at the sudden rush of emotions. She clenches her fists tightly until her feels a warm tar like substance dripping down her palms. She opens her hands up again and sighs, looking down at the deep cuts her nails left. The faucet trembles as clear water fills the sink and Kiki cleaned the substance off her hands. She sits at the dinner table, slowly eating her pastries as she looks at her icoffin. Taking a deep breath before sending a message.

"I've tried to make spinach puffs. Would you like to come over and tell me how I did?"
Kiki watches the screen intently, biting at her nails for a few minutes waiting to see if the message had even been read. After 20 minutes she turns her phone off and places the pastries in a paper bag. Grabbing a jacket and doing her hair into a tentacley braid before venturing into the dark streets.
Walking down the streets of blue, her breath forming in front of her from the cold air as the only source of warmth was the bag of fresh pastries. Kiki looks over the apartment buildings in awe, each window was a doorway to a small speck of yellow. The warmth these people must feel in their homes, she takes no more than a few seconds to indulge in envy before continuing her walk.

She walks for awhile before stopping at a large lake. Sitting at the edge of a bridges overlooking the water, she pulls out a few pastries and throws the crumbs to the floor. Watching as assorted birds gather around the pile and pecking at the food. She peeks at her phone again, taking a deep breath seeing it still wasn't read. Taking off her shoes and jacket, Kiki stands up and looks over the water that mirrored the night sky. She jumps over the edge diving into the water, coming up for air as she floats on her back looking up at the glowing light of the full moon. She takes a deep breath and focuses her mind on how the cold water feels against her skin. Her body sprawls out like a starfish, the only noise around her being the chirps of crickets hidden by the water banks. She slowly closes her eyes, letting her body slip into the darkness.

Her eyes open when she hears loud splashing approaching her quickly. She moves off her back, looking up at the worried figure in front of her. "Oh crap! Sorry... I thought you were drowning..."

Kiki gets her hopes up, letting her eyes adjust to the dark. But after getting a look at the manster, her lips drop to a small frown. "I'm fine Clawd... I just felt like swimming tonight" she mutters, moving out of the lake and wringing the water out of her shirt. "Why are you here anyway, my family doesn't take kindly to stalkers."

"It's a full moon out, a nice night, I thought I'd jog around until I got tired" he follows her out, getting rid of any excess water by shaking his head quickly. "What about you? Just chilling, laying on the water like a corpse?"

"It calms me down..." she answers quickly. Walking back to the bridge and gathering all her things up.

Clawd laughs, leaning against the edge of the bridge. "I don't think it's physically possible for you to get more calm! You're what I picture a Xanax would look like in a skirt."

"...uh huh..." Glancing back at him as she grabs her bag of pastries. Kiki takes a deep breath and crosses her arms, looking up at the tall manster "would you like to eat with me?"

He raises an eyebrow, crouching down to get eye level with her. "Where did that come from, I thought you only liked being around Deuce~" he teases.

"Well... I..." she sputters, trying to come up with the words to explain herself.

Clawd lets out a soft sigh before smiling, placing his hand on her head. "You ain't gotta explain yourself to me, I could totally eat those spinach pastries!" He places his arm around her shoulder and grins widely. "They smell delicious!"

Keeping her eyes down on the floor, Kiki doesn't pull away. "Thank you Clawd." She says quietly, leading him away from the lake. They take a seat under a streetlight, Kiki pulls the pastries from her bag and splits it with the wolf.

He opens his mouth and takes a large bite, chomping down on the food hungrily. "Mmmm! Dish ish shooo gewwwd!" He says while eating with his mouth full, shoving another spinach puff into his mouth.

Stifling a smile, the ghoul looks at her pastry and takes a deep breath. "It's my first time making these, so thank you."

Swallowing with a loud gulp, Clawd looks at her in shock. "HOW?! These are like, the best things I've ever tasted! If you make one with meat in it you just have to give it to me!" He says laughing.

Kikis eyes widen and she can't help but laugh with him. "I'll keep that in mind..." she glances at her phone quickly before frowning. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" He asks cocking an eyebrow up.

"Is it normal to feel... empty? I've always been empty, but I've never hated it so much" she looks up at him, her face sunken. "I've never even felt such strong emotions... or felt in general."

Clawd pulls Kiki to his chest, patting her head comfortingly. "I think you've lived your whole life never having the chance to connect with people. Now that you've finally made a friend who cares about you, you've had the chance to experience what happiness is. But now you rely on Deuce to keep that happiness, and that isn't healthy."

She pulls away at the mention of his name and crosses her arms. "I didn't say anything about Deuce" she mutters defensively.

"Cmon Kiki... you're a cool ghoul, but you can't possibly expect me to believe you have other people in your life." He chuckles as she looks away.

"Fine... whatever" she rolls her eyes. "But, I suppose you are right about everything else... what should I do?"

"You need to find ways to make yourself happy. If you rely on one person to make you happy then you're only going to be happy around them." Clawd explains. "And you can start by hanging out with me!"

She chuckles softly and leans back against him. "You're smarter than people give you credit for."

"I just know how I feel, I love my boy Deuce but he's a total dumbass when it comes to this crap." He laughs loudly, looking down at her. "Especially when it comes to his feelings for you and Cleo..."

Kiki raises an eyebrow at the wolfman "his feelings for me? What does that mean?"

"Ah... oh it's nothing" he looks away nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"...whatever..." she wanted to ask more, but didn't feel it was worth it. Kiki turns her phone on one last time to delete the message she'd sent, then leans into Clawds warmth. Slowly closing her eyes as she feels herself get calmer. "You're weird..."

Clawd laughs and lets her stay close, looking up at the moon for a couple minutes. "The stars are a pretty sweet sight, huh? Kiki?" He glances down, surprised to see her deep asleep against his chest. He pulls out his Icoffin and snaps a quick picture, sending it to someone. He calls up his sister, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder as he lifts Kiki up. "Heya sis, one of my classmates fell asleep and I don't know where they live... ya mind getting some blankets for the couch? Thanks!"

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