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I. Am. Angry.
So very angry.
I am officially
Pissed off.

I'm pissed off
That I haven't changed
That I haven't done better
That I haven't tried harder.

I cannot look in
a mirror
without wanting
to punch it.

I cannot touch
My own skin
Without wanting
To hurt it.

I cannot move
In my body
Without hating
That it can breathe.

I hate myself.
Not in the way
That people say,
Not in that way.

People hate
Themselves over
Looks and sounds,
And weight and height.

Over physical things.

But me?

I hate myself
Because I

Because I hurt
And I damage
And ruin
And destroy.

I hate myself.

Because of who I am.
Not who I look like.

Thoughts, Never Words. (Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now