Dear depression,

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Dear depression,

You let me
In your head,
You let me bathe
In your glory,
You let me run wild
In your heart,
You let me in.
So I thought.

So. I. thought.

I let you share my life,
I let you share my memories,
I let you share my happiness,
And my triumphs
And my family
And my home.
I let you in.
So I thought.

So. I. Thought.

I was utterly,
In love with you.


I know that, now.
You didn't let me in your head;
You forced yourself into mine.
You didn't let me bathe in your glory;
You lied to me.
Saying that you were holy.
You didn't let me run, wild, in your heart;
You ran, wild, into mine, without me even knowing.
Until it was
Too late.

I didn't let you share my life;
You ruined it.
I didn't let you share my memories,
You ruined them.
I didn't let you share my happiness;
You ruined it all.
My triumphs were stolen.
My family was broken.
My home? Invaded.

You didn't let me in,
I didn't let you in.
You barged your way through,
Manipulating me into thinking

It was my idea.

Dear depression,

You are not romantic.
You are not loved.
You are not appreciated.
You are death himself,

Dear depression,

I hate you.

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