Fallen Tree.

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I walked across a fallen tree,
Which lay across a raging river,
A waterfall just meters ahead of me.

I walked slow,
Breathing in the air,
Which smelt like fresh dirt after rain,
Like moss on rocks
And morning due on grass.

I let my arms spread out,
Swaying from side to side;
Catching myself every time
I almost fell.

Like how children walk
Across walls and curbs
Beside pavements,

Not because they are not afraid
Of falling but
Because they know that
Their parents are there
To catch them.

To mend their wounds with
A single kiss,
To take their hands,
Stand them up,
And then push them onwards.

Only this time, I was an adult.

Alone, surrounded by nature,
By the cold wind that
Pushed me forward,
By the calming sounds
Of the river flowing,
By the sweet melodies
Of the birds singing.

I was alone,
With no one to catch me as I fell.

I realised, in that moment,
Whilst I sat to watch the
Sun rise over the top
Of the waterfall
Ahead of me.

As the pinks,
And blues,
And reds,
All blended together
To create a colour

As my feet dangle
Iver the edge
Of that fallen tree,
And being splashed by
The fierce river

I was alone,
And yet,

I was not afraid

Of falling.

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