The right person,
The wrong time.I looked at them,
I breathed in their
Beauty, smelt their
smell that made
me feel at home,Lips quivering,
Eyes watering,
Nose running,The type of ugly cry
You never show
Anyone but
The person you
Truly love.And I said
'I love you'They looked at me,
With the same
Saddened look
They had the first
Day we met,Almost as if they
had aways known
That this wasn't
Meant to be,
From the very start.'I love you too'
I smiled,
Sniffing up
My tears,
Happy.'But it'll pass'
And those words,
They crushed me
A thousand times,
They hurt deeper
Than any wound.Because at that
Moment I knew
It was over.
Right person,
Wrong time.It will pass.
I know.
But I will
Forget you.'Goodbye'
Thoughts, Never Words. (Poetry Collection)
PoésiePoems written by just some young adult going through some things.