A Place To Stay

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A knock was heard on a wooden door as Tubbo and Michael waited for an answer. Tubbo moved the backpack on his back higher up whilst Michael stood slightly behind him holding his hand. They were both greeted by the same familiar face as the day before. "Welcome! I'm glad you agreed to stay for a while" Phil smiled, moving out the way for them to walk in. Tubbo grabbed Michael's hand tighter as they both walked in, "thank you for this" he said. "It's no problem at all" Phil smiled before spotting Michael, "and you must be Michael?". Michael shuffled more behind Tubbo with a nervous expression. "He's not so sure about meeting new people" Tubbo laughed whilst looking at Michael, "it's ok bud, this is Phil, remember I was talking about the hat?". Michael nodded as he held his arms up, telling Tubbo that he wanted him to carry him. Tubbo picked him up before Michael held onto him tightly, hiding away from the stranger in the room. "It's ok Michael, you don't need to be scared" Phil reassured him before turning back to Tubbo, "I'll show you your room" he smiled before climbing the ladder.

Tubbo struggled but managed up the ladder before following Phil into a cold spare room. "We've always kinda had a spare room for anyone that might need a safe place to stay like Wilbur or something" Phil explained. The room was medium sized with a simple double bed to the top left corner and a bedside table next to it with a lamp ontop, a desk and chair to the top right corner whilst a wardrobe and drawers sat to the bottom right, the only light source was coming from the window with old curtains hanging at the sides. "I can help you clean up the room later so you can get more cozy if you'd like?" Phil suggested. "It's fine, thank you for this again" Tubbo smiled. "It's no problem at all don't worry, the room next to this is my room, across from my room is Techno's room and then opposite this room, the one you're staying in, is the bathroom" Phil gave a quick layout. "Ok thank you" Tubbo repeated. "No problem, I'll leave you two be now, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen if any of you need anything. And also there's a heater there, just turn the dial at the side to turn it on" Phil explained more before leaving, closing the door behind them.

Tubbo placed Michael down on the bed before dropping the bag on the floor next to the bed. "So, what'd you think of Phil so far bud?" he asked Michael with a sigh as he sat down, "thumbs up, in the middle or do you not like him?". Michael pointed his thumb in the middle with a nervous facial expression. "That's ok, it can be scary meeting new people and that's ok" Tubbo smiled as Michael nodded. "Need anything?" he asked, Michael shook his head. He then put his hands on his head, pointing to the roof to signal a crown. "Techno, I don't know where he is but I'm guessing we'll see him later" Tubbo explained as Michael nodded once again.

A knock on the door spooked them as Michael hid behind Tubbo before he called out to it, "come in!". Just as he had described, a pig in a crown and red cape walked in the room. "Hi, I just wanna make it clear that if you steal anything or go in my room without asking then I'll hurt you, ok?" Techno sternly said. "Understood" Tubbo nodded. "Also, Phil mentioned you had a son, where is he?" Techno asked, looking around the room. Tubbo turned around to Michael before whispering to him, "come on it's ok". Michael nodded as he slowly crawled from around Tubbo and sat in his lap whilst facing Techno. "Oh- not what I was expecting but ok?" Techno said, clear confusion on his face as he started walking closer to them. He noticed Tubbo put his arms around Michael in a protective manor. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you or your child, it has been long enough since everything so I don't hold a grudge against you anymore" Techno explained, making it clear before he came closer. "I'm glad we can agree on something" Tubbo laughed awkwardly.

Techno slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, observing Michael, "he's a zombie piglin". "Yes" Tubbo confirmed. "Does he have a mother?" Techno asked, very slowly holding his hand out to see if Michael would grab it. "Boo" Michael whispered. "He can talk?" Techno smiled, almost amazed at Michael and how he acted and now spoke. "He can only say two words, Bee and Boo. I'm Bee and well" Tubbo said, watching as the cogs in Techno's brain slowly started to work. "Boo?... Ranboo?!". Tubbo nodded with a small laugh. "Oh, were you two boyfriends or was there more? Sorry I can be nosey about things" Techno laughed, staring at Michael as he kept hesitating to hold his hand. "We were married for quite a bit, still are in a way" Tubbo laughed nervously, watching as tears covered his eyes before he turned around and cleared his throat whilst desperately blinking the tears away; it hurt a lot but he managed. "Oh I'm sorry, I forget that things can be sensitive subjects" Techno apologised once he realised. "It's ok" Tubbo sniffled, watching as Michael turned around and stood up before holding his face in his small hands. "I'm ok Mikey don't worry" he smiled as he hugged Michael tightly before letting him sit back down again.

"Oh and, sorry about another possibly sensitive thing but, I just want to let you know that you're not the only one that's upset about Tommy. That sounded like a threat I promise it wasn't, I'm just not good at comforting people" Techno laughed awkwardly. "It's fine don't worry, thank you" Tubbo said, his smile quivering a bit as he tried desperately not to cry. "I'll leave you alone now I guess, don't cry too much" Techno said, standing up before leaving. "I'll try" Tubbo laughed, watching as Techno smiled at him before closing the door. Tubbo accidentally sniffled again, getting Michael's attention once again as he stood back up and cupped Tubbo's face in his hands like he had, looking at Tubbo with a worried expression. "You don't need to worry about me Michael I'm ok" Tubbo said but Michael didn't look convinced. Tears were threatening to fall before he blinked, allowing multiple tears to drop from his eyes before Michael quickly wiped them away with his sleeve. "Thank you buddy" Tubbo chuckled, letting Michael hold his face.

The two stayed like that for quite a bit as Tubbo struggled to stop crying but he couldn't do it, the feelings of Tommy's passing and now being reminded of Ranboo was too much for him not to cry. "I love you buddy" he whispered as Michael smiled, concern showing through as he continued to comfort his father.

I think I have an addiction to angst and fluff😭

About Michael, he understands English but struggles to speak it, that's why he can only say Bee and Boo, also he's like 4-5.

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