Night Time Thoughts

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Tubbo closed his eyes for them to only be reopened a minute later, making it clear he couldn't sleep since this had already happened multiple times, *maybe fresh air will help* he thought as he slowly shuffled the sleeping-Michael onto the bed beside them before quietly getting up and dressed into some warm clothes. He then, as quietly as he could, climbed down the ladder and put his coat and boots on before going outside, it was very lightly snowing as he walked down a step before sitting on the top step of the stairs. The silence allowed his thoughts to run as every single thing came into his mind, his loved ones, his possessions, his losses, everything. It brought tears to his eyes before he quietly rubbed them away but that didn't stop them as his crying started becoming out of control, *I miss them, I need help, I need Ranboo, I need Tommy, I need both of them, please* he quietly cried into his hands.

A hand on his shoulder spooked him as he gasped and looked at the person suddenly sitting next to him, Techno sat there with a hand gently placed on his shoulder as he stared off into the night before removing his hand. "Don't worry I wasn't watching you or anything weird like that, I can't sleep and I heard someone moving around so I got curious and well, here we are" Techno explained before looking at Tubbo whilst he stared at the steps. "Are you ok?" he calmly asked him. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he sighed, his voice slightly shaky before he cleared it. "You sure? Did you come out here to cry or what, if you wanna be alone then I can leave but then again, if you need someone then I can stay, I won't be the best at comforting you if that's what you need but I can try" Techno said, his voice low as he spoke. "You-you can stay if you want, I-I was just thinking I guess" Tubbo sighed, wiping his eyes with his hands before going back to staring at the steps. "What were you thinking about?" he asked, noticing Tubbo fidgeting with his hands before he started scratching the back of his hands. "Just, things" he sniffled, trying to stop crying but it wasn't working as tears continued to fall before he quickly wiped them away.

"Wanna talk about it? You seem really upset by it?" Techno asked as he looked back at Tubbo, his eye bags remained heavy and he overall looked like shit. "It's-it's fine" Tubbo whispered to stop his voice from cracking. "You sure? You don't have to hide how you're feeling but if you don't wanna say then that's understandable" Techno shrugged. The two sat in silence for a second before Tubbo shakily said, "if anything happens to m-me, promise me that you'll take care of Michael". Techno gave him a concerned look, "what do you mean by that?" he asked. "Just promise me, please" Tubbo said, turning to Techno with a begging look on his face whilst tears streaked down it. "Ok, I promise, but nothings gonna happen to you Tubbo, what're you thinking?" he asked again as Tubbo sighed. "I don't know, Dream might do something or... something else might happen" he said, giving a depressing tone at the end of his sentence. Techno gave him another worried look, "what is that something else?" he asked but just looking at Tubbo and how he had been acting, he knew it was something deadly serious.

Tubbo quietly broke down in his hands before feeling a hand on his shoulder again and listening as Techno started talking, "I know what you're thinking, if you ever find yourself about to do it, I would say to come to me or Phil but I know you won't so instead just think of Michael, he's already lost one of his dads, he can't lose the other, he needs you Tubbo more than anything, he needs you". "I know, b-but we were a trio, and-and now I've just been left behind" Tubbo explained through tears before feeling Techno put something heavy yet light around him as he looked at what it was, a red cape with white fur. "Th-thanks" he laughed. "No problem" Techno said before getting back to the point, "about the trio thing, try not to think about that, however hard it may be. Promise me that you'll push through the hard feelings whether that's with someone or if you're alone, you'll get through it and survive". Tubbo nodded, "I-I promise" he sighed. "Good, now come here and stop being awkward" Techno joked before pulling Tubbo into a side hug, hearing Tubbo let out a little laugh as he let Techno comfort him.

"Don't give up alright? You've got to push through these thing's" Techno said, feeling Tubbo nod with a sniffle. "Thank you" he sighed, slowly calming down. "It's alright, wanna talk about anything whilst everyone's asleep?" he asked before Tubbo shook his head. "Alright, well I'm always here if you need to rant or if you need advice or whatever ok?" Techno calmly said as Tubbo nodded, "I'm here for you too y'know" he said back. "I appreciate that" Techno said, feeling a small smile form on his face. "Just returning the favour" Tubbo joked back as Techno nodded before letting go of the hug and shuffling back to where he was. "I'm gonna go back inside now, it's getting colder" he said as he stood up. "I'm coming with you" Tubbo said, standing up with him before they both went inside and climbed the ladder. "Want your cape back?" he whispered, his voice still a bit shaky but it was better than before. "Yes please" Techno quietly laughed, forgetting about it as Tubbo handed it back to him. "Thank you for that" Tubbo quietly said as he walked more towards his bedroom door. "Anytime, try and get some sleep" Techno said, also edging more towards his door. "You too, goodnight" Tubbo smiled, Techno saying it back before they both went into their rooms.

Tubbo sighed as he got back into warm clothes before slowly getting back into bed, being careful as to not wake Michael up. It took him a bit as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Love a bit of comfort every now and then.

1081 words

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