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He could see it all, two people he thought he could trust stood outside his prison, the decorations he himself had placed, the crowd of people cheering below him, his best friend looking worried in the face as he yelled out to him but he couldn't hear, everything was muffled. He looked forward, the man that led him and his side of the fight through most of everything, holding a crossbow between his eyes as fear lay in his own. The hand that gripped the crossbow was shaking and the man himself was panicking as he whispered quiet sorry's under his breath. "I'm sorry" he heard one last time before darkness set upon his sight.

Tubbo was woken in a cold sweat as he jolted up in his bed, instantly grabbing at his clothing to pull it away from him since his breathing was violently fast and his whole body was shaking. "Tubbo hey, are you alright?" he heard a deep morning-type voice ask before he heard quick footsteps coming towards him. His fight or flight kicked in as he crawled backwards before hitting the headboard of his bed, allowing him to shield his head with his arms whilst his knees clung to his chest like magnets. "Tubbo, it's Techno, you're alright, you're safe" he heard Techno calmly say to him, feeling a slow hand touch his arm, leading him to jump and flinch back. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, Michael's sitting against the wall to your right, he's here for you if you need him and so am I, Technoblade's here if you need him ok?" Techno spoke low as he patiently sat down on the edge of the bed.

Tubbo looked at Techno with wide eyes, getting flashbacks of the nightmare, "y-you were sc-scared" he whispered. "What? What do you mean?" Techno questioned, looking confused. "Y-you were panicking, it-it wasn't your fault you-you know that right?" Tubbo stuttered, keeping his arms raised. "Tubbo what do you mean?" Techno repeated, slowly edging closer to listen. "T-the festival, Schlatt, you-you. I'm sorry" Tubbo cried. "Oh, I know what you're talking about" Techno said with a sigh, "I still think about that too. Anyway, was it a nightmare or did you just start thinking and then your thoughts led you to that or something?". "N-nightmare" Tubbo shakily responded in shame. "Ok, nightmares can feel a little too real sometimes plus I can imagine that was a very traumatic time for you, so I understand why you're this panicky about it" Techno said, thinking about the words he was saying so he didn't make everything worse, "because of what happened, would you find it better to calm down if I left or stayed-". "Stayed" Tubbo was quick to answer before settling down, "st-stayed, please".

"Ok, that's fine I'll stay, can you hold my hand for a second please?" Techno asked, holding his hand out. Tubbo moved in slow motion as his hand jolted every now and then, slowly moving towards Techno before his hand touched his, making him flinch. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe now" Techno reassured him as their hands slowly met again, "that's it, see, you're not there anymore, you're here, in mine and Phil's house where nothing can harm you, you're under full protection, you're not there anymore" Techno comforted him as he nodded and started to calm down. "You're not there anymore" Techno repeated as Tubbo closed his eyes but that only seemed to make it worse. "Keep your eyes open, the more you close your eyes the more it'll feel real" Techno advised as Tubbo nodded and stared at their hands locked together. "Need help breathing or are you ok to calm down by yourself?" Techno asked, worry hidden in his voice. "I'm-I'm ok" Tubbo stuttered, sniffling every now and then as tears flew down his flushed face; his breathing was getting better but he couldn't stop shaking.

"I'm-I'm sorry, y-you were panicking so badly, I-I wanted to help you but-but I was frozen, I-I could tell you didn't want to but ev-everyone was watching you, I'm sorry I put you
th-through that" Tubbo said through sobs as he looked Techno in the eyes whilst slowly lowering his arm. "Wait, are you blaming yourself for what happened?" Techno questioned as Tubbo looked back to their hands without answering. "Tubbo look at me" Techno sternly said before they both made eye contact, "Never. Ever, blame yourself for what happened that day, if anything it was Schlatt's fault, he set you up and he set me up too. We both got set up, meaning it wasn't your fault and it wasn't my fault either ok?" Techno said, serious yet soft in his tone as he spoke. Tubbo nodded before looking away again and sniffling, "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Never apologise unless you've done something wrong, and right now you haven't done anything wrong, ok?". Tubbo nodded as he wiped his face with his sleeve, looking to his side to see Michael staring at him, tears in his own eyes. "Come here" he whispered, pain in his voice as Michael crawled with sad speed into his arms, feeling Tubbo hold him tightly.

"It's alright buddy, I'm-I'm ok, you don't need to be w-worried ok?" Tubbo whispered as Michael nodded. "This little man knocked on my door, scaring the life out of me before I opened it, he was frantic as he quickly pulled me to your room where I found you panicking in your sleep, whispering my name and words that meant help. The little man helped you" Techno explained, watching as Tubbo gave a small smile to Michael. "Thank you" he breathed before hiding his face in Michael's tiny shoulder. "Are you ok now?" Techno asked as Tubbo nodded, "thank you" he repeated out loud so Techno could hear. "There's nothing to thank me for, I barely did anything" Techno smiled, watching Tubbo smile at him before tightly closing his eyes. "Am I ok to leave or do you still feel a little uneasy? Because if you need me to stay then that's not an issue at all" Techno said, waiting patiently as Tubbo cleared his throat before speaking, "y-you can leave if you want, I think I'm ok now". "You sure? Because-" "I'm sure, thank you, again" Tubbo grinned. Techno stood up as he started to slowly walk back towards the door, "Ok, if you need me then you know where to find me, and don't hesitate if you do actually need me because then-" "Techno, I'm ok now, thank you" Tubbo laughed.

"Ok, goodnight" Techno laughed. "Goodnight" Tubbo said back, smiling at Techno as he left, closing the door behind himself. "Thank you buddy, you don't need to be scared anymore I'm not going anywhere ok?" Tubbo reassured Michael as he nodded with a sniffle, "are you upset because of me?" he asked as Michael nodded. "I'm sorry buddy, you don't need to be upset anymore I'm ok and so are you, we're ok now. Come on let's go back to sleep" Tubbo said, laying back down with Michael resting on his chest again. "Goodnight buddy" he whispered, pulling the covers back up to his small shoulders before drifting back off the sleep.

Sorry this was a sort of short chapter, E.

1246 words

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