Trying To Get Better

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Tubbo woke up in the same room, noticing Michael wasn't next to him like he should be. He sat up before seeing Michael at the end of the bed, sitting peacefully as he flicked over pages of a picture book. "Hey buddy" Tubbo smiled, watching as Michael quickly looked up at him, smiling as he crawled into his lap before giving him a warm hug. "Where did you get that from?" he asked, hinting at the book; Michael pointed out the door. "Techno?" Tubbo laughed as Michael nodded eagerly. "Thought so. I'm glad you and him get on so well together" he smiled as Michael nodded in agreement. "Do you wanna do anything today?" Tubbo asked as Michael pointed out the door again. "Doesn't Techno have things to do?" he thought out loud as Michael shook his head with a cheeky smile. "Ok then, as long as it's ok with Techno then you can stay with him for as long as you both want ok?" Tubbo said as Michael nodded happily whilst clapping his hands. "Come on, let's go get changed then you can go and see him ok?" Tubbo said as Michael nodded, waiting patiently on the bed whilst Tubbo went to get him fresh clothes.

Once they were both dressed, Tubbo took Michael to Techno before going downstairs to see Phil, a thousand thoughts suddenly rushed through his head about yesterday, *how could I have been so weak around someone, especially Phil of all people! What am I doing* he thought before sighing and entering the kitchen. "Good morning mate! I'm making eggs on toast" Phil smiled. "Morning" Tubbo smiled back before blurting out, "I'm sorry I was all weird and annoying yesterday I didn't-" "Wow Tubbo, don't apologise for anything ok? It's fine I promise, you're ok" Phil quickly stopped him as he turned around to look at him before looking back at the eggs. Tubbo quietly sighed as he laid his head in his arms, listening to Phil whistling a tune and the usual sound of eggs being cooked in a pan. "Ok, so here's the plan for today. After breakfast, we're gonna go on a walk to anywhere you wanna go, then we'll have lunch, next we do something with Michael. Finally, I'll let you chill out or do whatever you want for the rest of the day just as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and that includes yourself, that sound ok?" Phil listed out as Tubbo nodded with a quiet "yeah".

Phil soon placed a plate in front of Tubbo, sitting opposite Tubbo before putting his own plate down in front of him. Tubbo held his head in one hand with his elbow resting on the table whilst his other hand picked up the fork and swirled the food around. "Just have a few bites then we can go, yeah?" Phil said as Tubbo nodded, staring at the food as he started becoming sicker and sicker the more he stared. He soon built up the courage as he got a piece of toast and egg on his fork before eating it, shivering from disgust as he swallowed. He started feeling upset with himself, *can't even eat a fucking piece of anything without being a little wimp, what is wrong with me, why does this keep happening*. "Tubbo" he heard, waking him up as he looked at Phil, noticing tears had covered his vision before he quickly blinked them away. "Try not to think about it ok? Just keep taking pieces of the food apart and eating it, it'll get easier I promise" Phil comforted him but it didn't work, Tubbo felt unmotivated to do anything, he didn't even wanna move, let alone do the stuff Phil had planned.

"Have another piece then we can leave" Phil patiently said, hearing Tubbo sigh as he picked up his fork before hesitantly eating another bit of food, sitting up as he grabbed the water and drank some before putting it back down. "You did good, I won't make you eat anymore until lunch ok? You did well don't worry" Phil congratulated him before standing up, "wanna take anything before we go?" he asked, looking back to see Tubbo not moving, he had his head resting back in his arms. "When we get back we can sit down and have a chat if you want" Phil smiled, trying to lighten the mood but Tubbo still didn't move. Phil walked over to Tubbo before crouching down next to him. "What's up mate?" he quietly asked, watching Tubbo think before shrugging. "Do you know anything that will help?", Tubbo shook his head in response. "Come on, I'm gonna take care of you ok, I've got you mate" Phil said, standing up straight before holding out his hand. Tubbo lazily grabbed his hand in his own before slowly standing up with a hunch. "That's it, you don't have to worry about a thing, I've got you" Phil said, helping put Tubbo's coat on him before putting on his own.

"Come on, we won't be long" Phil smiled before walking out, Tubbo let go of his hand and followed. Crunching was soon heard as they started walking in cold snow, Tubbo watched his breath as he breathed out. "You seem a lot more upset than usual, what's up?" Phil asked, breaking the silence. Tubbo shrugged, "I don't know". "Do you have any idea of why you could be feeling like this? I mean apart from the current loss" Phil questioned as Tubbo shrugged again, "don't know". "Ok, if you need to talk about anything in complete privacy then now would be the time, just letting you know" Phil reminded him but Tubbo didn't respond as they kept walking. Tubbo stared at the ground the whole time, feeling hollow inside; he listened as Phil started talking. "Do you know anything that makes you happy?" he asked. Tubbo thought for a bit, trying not to think of the people he had lost as he instead thought of someone else "Michael". "Michael can cheer up anyone with just a smile" Phil said as Tubbo smiled thinking about it, "yeah".

They walked for another five minutes or so before heading back. Tubbo walked through the front door after Phil, seeing Techno and Michael sitting on bean bags, Michael half sinking into his own. "Hey buddy, you ok there?" he laughed as he leaned over Michael. Michael laughed as he held his hands up towards Tubbo and grabbed at him. Tubbo smiled as he picked Michael up before pressing their foreheads together, "hey buddy, were you having fun with Techno?". Michael nodded, sitting back in Tubbo's arms before looking at Techno and pulling a face, watching as Techno pulled one back, making Tubbo and Phil laugh. "I said that I didn't like his favourite character in a book so he pulled a face at me so I pulled one back and now it's become a thing" Techno explained before they all laughed. Tubbo sat down in a bean bag with Michael in his lap, he faced Tubbo before playing with his ears and laughing.

The four talked for hours, Tubbo and Michael shared a plate of food, Michael eating most of it before everyone got ready for bed. Michael had his unicorn onesie on, happy as he touched the fury-like fabric before expressing his happiness by flappy his hands about. Tubbo heard Michael gasp as he took his hoodie off, making him turn around in worry to see what Michael was surprised about. Michael pointed at his right arm, only now noticing the damage Tubbo had done to himself over the years and recently. Tubbo sighed as he quickly got changed before sitting down on the bed, crossing his legs as he and Michael faced each other. Michael grabbed at his sleeve in worry as he looked up at Tubbo with great concern in his expression. "Stop stop it's ok, I'm not hurt anymore" Tubbo said, holding Michael's hands so he couldn't tug at his sleeve. Michael sat back down in front of Tubbo, looking up at him as if he was ready to listen to anything and everything that his father had to say, even if he didn't understand most of it.

"You don't need to be concerned or worried, it's nothing, ok? It's nothing you need to notice" Tubbo tried to talk him out of worry but Michael wasn't convinced this time as he stood up on the bed before wobbling into Tubbo's arms, hugging him with great warmth as Tubbo hugged him back. A tear dropped as Tubbo closed his eyes with a sigh, "I'm sorry buddy, I'm sorry if I've been failing you lately, I just" he explained before stuttering, "I-I don't know what's going on". He felt Michael lean out of the hug before holding his face and pressing their foreheads together. "You always know how to cheer me up huh?" Tubbo laughed as another tear fell. The two stayed like that for a bit before laying down, Michael laid on his chest since he knew it helped calm Tubbo down. "Thank you bubs, for everything" Tubbo whispered, feeling Michael slap his hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. "Damn ok then I guess I'll shut up" Tubbo laughed, hearing Michael giggle before they both settled down.

Y'know when something is happy but then there's sudden sadness...

Take that as a hint.

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