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I drained myself of energy with just thinking.

"You look drained..." Observing my over relaxed posture, Yuuta walking right beside me, commented softly as both of us parted from class for the day. The only thing left was whatever homework we needed to do — whether that was in battle or on paper.

"I'm not very surprised." I added stopping as he did. The obsidian-haired boy stopped near a vending machine and tapped it a few times before grabbing what he had requested from the bottom. I patiently waited, wanting someone to walk back with so I didn't have to go alone.

"You've been locked up inside doing a lot of learning, I wouldn't be either." He lifted his hand out to me, in his grip was a canned beverage packed with sugar and caffeine I subconsciously craved. "You've saved my life yet again, Okkotsu Yuuta, how am I to repay you at this point." I smiled taking the offered drink into my hands and popping the can open. He followed the same actions, opening the can to take a short sip of the soda and keeping his eyes away from me. "Well there may be one thing,"

A small smile tugged at his lips and it raised my curiosity until he let out a sigh — he was building up the courage for something he was yet to voice. "I don't have anything to do tomorrow so do you want to hangout?"

Saturday, right.

Ignoring the fact that the abrupt request caught me off guard and made my heart race a little quicker, I tilted my head slightly. "After saving my life countlessly you request for a single date in return? There's nothing like money involved?" To cover the heat on my face I made a smooth remark and smiled his way looking for some kind of falter in his confidence — but there wasn't any on the surface, he was serious — and that brought a darker red onto my ears. "Well, I never said I was paying for anything." He looked to me with a shrug and a slight smirk on his face.

We broke off into a soft laughter, closed eyes and bright grins between us both. Eventually, the chuckles died out and I was subject to giving him a actual response. He hadn't denied the fact that it was a date after specifically calling it a hangout so maybe he wanted this more than I knew — I was still unsure.

I didn't dislike him, I knew that 100%. He was a great guy and very caring — a quintessential friend (and maybe further than that) — but was I really looking to think of someone like that? I never thought much about relationships unless they were with friends. But a day out with a good-looking guy that so happens to have a wonderful personality that's always able the cheer me up wouldn't hurt. "Yeah, why not. Lets go out." He wore a smile of relief and my shoulders lost there tensity.


"So? What do you want me to do?" Maki questioned as I settled myself down on the ground near her. She continued to swing her staff as if she hadn't been interrupted by my confession of last nights events. The hang-out.

"I don't know..." I looked to the ground unsure my eyes picking at the grass with a brief gaze. My mind was occupied with several different thoughts and explanations to the sudden request — not only that but contradictory thoughts telling myself I was overthinking. "Okay... so what are you going to do about it?" She turned to me, looking down with a raised brow. The expression silently asked for more of a reason than what I've been giving her.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know a lot do you?"

I brushed off her words placing my face in my hands. "I just... don't know... how to feel." I groaned before falling onto my back. The first few seconds of the bright sun became dimmer and in confusion I opened my eyes back up. "What's got you so down (Y/N)?" Panda asked towering over. I furrowed my brows a little,' preparing an explanation when I was interrupted by Maki's bluntness. "She's struggling to use her brain."

"What do you mean by that?" Insulted I narrowed my eyes at the green-haired female with a hint of agitation. She ignored the unhappy expression I wore and remained blunt even with a unsure shrug. "Well, you obviously want to go, but you're scared because you don't know why you want to go." She explained simply put making me look aside. It was a little embarrassing to be called out so easily and without shame.

"Go where?" Panda continued with curiosity, his paw scratching at his chin slightly. "Go out." I sat back up with a stoic voice shielding my humiliation. "Alone or...?"

I leaned my face into my hands with a heat creeping down my neck and tickling my back. "Now you're too embarrassed to admit it... seems to me you're building up an actual liking to the guy." Maki commented while I continued to not give a full response flustered.

"What guy — oh." A smirk tugged back the bears face and I refused to give him my attention. "It's hard to be surprised you two have been inseparable." Panda put his two pointer fingers side-by-side with a menacing grin. "Not true." I lifted my head with furrowed brows. Denying him and my own feelings, I shook my head sternly but that only gained a devious snicker that made me look away again, losing confidence. "Ever since they'd accidentally ran into each other — I guess, it was never really an accident now." He dramatically spoke, using a small and light voice as he teased my flush. He let out a dramatic sigh before carrying a soft "Soulmates..." in his suspire.

"How did you know about that?" I raised a brow with a stricter posture moving with my curiosity. "He mentioned it once or twice." Maki shrugged simply. I looked down and hugged my legs closer to my body. I was covered in embarrassment, my heart starting to pick up its pace and my hands a little clammy from hugging my skin so tight.

I really need to sort out my emotions.

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