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I woke up the next day in a bed with Andrea, Jasmine & Jenn. To be honest I don't know where we are or how we got here but I do know I can smell something really good. I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair wasn't the messy so I just went through it with my hands. I looked at my neck and I could see a present that Kian left me.

Thanks Kian.

I cover it up with my hair and walked downstairs. I could see that I was in Sam's house now but how did we get up there. "Hey Ariana, want some pancakes?" Sam said and put some pancakes in front of me. "Thanks Sam" I said and smiled. "So how was your sleep?" "Good but how did we get up there?" I asked and took a bite of my pancakes. Mm they were good. "Oh Kian carried you up there." I nodded and kept eating. "So where is everyone?" I asked and looked around. "Sleeping" he said and put his plate in the sink. "You know Kian likes you right" he said and came up behind me. "Really, not interested" I said and got out of my chair and put my plate in the sink. "Really that's not what the hikey says" he said and raised his eyebrows. "You might want to cover that up" he said and handed me my bag. "Thanks" I said and walked to the bathroom to see Kian doing his hair. "Hey" he said and walked out of the bathroom. I closed the door and cover my mark up. Don't need anyone else noticing.

I then walked out to the kitchen to see Kian there. "So have you checked your phone?" He said and nudged me. "No, why?" I said and check my phone. When I opened it I saw a picture of Kian as my lockscreen. I laughed a locked it. "Open your phone" he said and smirked. I opened it see Kian's number there. "Wow....... Delete" I said and deleted his phone number. "Have fun getting my number" I said and walked upstairs. When I got there I saw Andrea, Jas and Jenn putting there shoes on. "Ready to go?" They said to me and I nodded. "Bye Boys!" We all yelled and went out the door. We hoped in the car and drive away. The whole time I was looking out the window regretting deleting Kian's number. I am such and idiot.

Andrea dropped Jas and I off at home and we said our goodbyes. "So you and Kian" she said with a smirk. "There is nothing going on there. I came here for the forgein exchange thing and meet new friends. Not start a relationship" I said as we walked in the door. "Yeah give it a month" she said and ran upstairs. I soon followed and went to my room and got ready. I put on my Starbucks tank, white denim shorts and my white vans. I than brush my hair and curled it. I soon after got a called from Ricky.

"Hey Ricky what's up"

"Meet me at the pier"

"Okay see you in 10" I said and hung up.

I walked into Jasmines room and asked her a question. "Hey where is the pier" "it's just past- why?" She said and smirked. "I'm going to meet Ricky" I said and put my hands on my hips. "Oh I'll take you hop in the car" she said and grabbed her keys. We got in the car and was there in 5. As soon as I hopped out I texted Ricky.

To Ricky: Hey, where are you :(

I instantly got a reply

Ricky: Walk to the ice cream shop :)

I looked around and saw an ice cream shop about 10 metres away. I started walking down there. As I was walking I took in the scenery. The beach, the Ferris wheel it was all so beautiful. I finally reached there and walked in the store and looked around. I was looking when someone came up behind me and hug me. I quickly jumped and turned around to find Kian there smiling. "Kian, where's Ricky" I said with my arms crossed. "At home" he said with a smirk and pulled me closer to him. "Kian!" I slapped his hand and walked out of the ice cream shop.

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