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Kian and I pulled into the driveway and there was no cars there. We then hopped out and there was a note on the door. "Gone out we will be back at 8:30. Love the fam" Kian said out loud then opened the door. Kian then put his keys down and looked at me. "What?" I said and Kian picked me up. He then walked over to the couch and put me down. He ploped himself on top of me and started kissing me. He slid his hand down my body extremely slow. He is such as tease. He smirked and began peppering my collarbone with kisses.

My hands worked their way down his chest and to the top of his pants. I ran my index finger back and forth above his belt making him squirm. He let out a frustrated groan and grabbed my hand.

"You're such a tease" he gasped while narrowing his eyes. He grinded himself into me and I had to grit my teeth to keep from moaning. I forgot about teasing and went straight to his belt. My fingers fumbled around for a few seconds before I heard a magical click.

He smiled against my neck and begun tugged my shorts. Shivers ran down my spine when he popped open the button and unzipped the zipper. His thumb accidentally brushed against my lower stomach, surprisingly causing my body to convulse.

Kian noticed this and let out a chuckle. He then pulled off my pants. He then pulled his off. We both then took our shirts off and it got intense. He rolled me over so I was on top. He started to slid his hands up and down my back. He in lipped my bra and took it off. I imeddiantly rolled over and covered them.

"Ariana it's okay, your beautiful" he said kissing my neck. He pulled me onto him and continued he slid his boxers of and then mine. He put himself on top and grabbed a condom from the draw. "Why the hell do you have condoms in there?" I asked him. "Us boys have stash in nearly every room" he said and I laughed. He slid one on and then go ready. He looked at me and I smiled. He then entered me. "Your so tight" "Shut the fuck up" I said and he started thrusting faster and faster. "Ohhhhh Kian" and "Ariaaaannnna" was the only things coming out of our mouths. This all just felt so right. Kian started kissing around my boobs and begun sucking them. I ran my hands threw his hair and started gripping it. This was so perfect until....

"Gooooo Kian!" I heard two boys say. Kian looked up and Reo and Cole were there. "Fuck your home early" Kian said and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around us. "Actually it's 6:30 were home on time" Kian grabbed the note off the table. He showed me and it said 6:30 not 8:30.

Kian's mum walked in and dropped everything. "KIAN LAWLEY TELL ME YOU AND ARIANA ARE NOT NAKED UNDER THERE" Kian said nothing. "Kian take her home NOW!" She yelled and everyone got out of the room. When everyone was gone Kian grabbed his boxers and put them on while I stayed wrapped up in the blanket. Kian put on his jeans then picked up my clothes. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room. He shut the door and let me get change. While I was getting change I heard yelling.

Kian's mum was going off at him for having sex on the couch. After 10 minutes he came back in. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded and we walked to the car. "Kian I want you back here straight away when your done!" Kian's mum yelled and Kian stormed out the door. We hopped in the car and Kian blasted music. Of course there was heaps of traffic. We sat there for about 10 minutes until I decided to speak. I turned down the music and Kian looked at me. "Kian im so sorr-" "Ariana can we just not talk about it" he said cutting me off. "But K-" "I SAID CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT IT!" He yelled and I got scared. I started to cry. "Why Kian?" I said  "CAUSE I DONT WANT TO TALK!" He yelled and I and got out of the car. I know it's in the middle of traffic and town and I don't really know my way but I can't deal with him.

"Ariana come back here!" I heard Kian yell but I just started running. I got to an alley decided to call someone. "Hello?" "Hey Sam where are you?" "At home. Why?" He said in a concerned voice. "I need your help-" I started to lose it and started crying again.  "Ariana what's wrong?" "I'm lost and and and" "Stop where are you" "I'll send my location" I sent same my location and he told me he didn't live far he told me directions to get to his house over the phone. I entered his street and saw him siting out the front of his house. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Tell me what happened" he said and sat down. "I told him everything and he just listened. "I just want to go home" I said and put my head on his shoulder. "Okay I'll take you home then" Sam said and stood up. He took me home and walked me inside to Jas. As soon as I got to Jas I started to cry. She said Thank You to Sam and he left. "Tell me everything" she said and we lied down on her bed. "Maybe we should have a girls night?" Jas asked in a form of a question. I smiled and nodded. We invited Jenn and Andrea over and they said they would be over in 5.

Jas and I went downstairs and took some makeup down there with some blankets and pillows. We then go some snack and movies and right on queue the doorbell rang. "Hey" they said in unison and gave me a hug. "So give us details" Jenn said and Jas explained everything. There were a few tears but not that many.

After we watched Expelled and Orpah we decided to paint each other nails. I started doing Andreas and Jas did Jenna half way therew there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I said and got up. I answered door to find Kian there with some flowers. "Ariana I'm so so so sorry, please forgive-" Kian started but was cut off by Andrea. "Kian stay the fuck away from here, we are having a girls night so bye" she said and slammed the door. Kian kept knocking and yelling for forgiveness. "Kian we will call the cops!" Jas yelled and he stopped and walked away.

I felt bad for not forgiving him but at the moment I am not in the right place to forgive and forget.

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