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I woke up and looked around. I saw Jas, Andrea, Jenn, Sam and Kain. "Guys she's awake someone go get the doctor." Sam then ran out. "Hey Ariana" All the girls said in unison. It sounded pretty creepy. "Can you guys never say the in unison again, it creepy" we all started laughing. "Ow" I said. "Yeah try not the laugh" the doctor said and came and sat next to me. "So we had to give you a few stitches on your stomach and you have a broken arm and leg" She said "So you will need a wheelchair" "uh how long will I be like this?" I asked. "Probably 3 months" she said. "But I'm going back to Australia in 3 weeks" I said. "3 weeks!" Kian yelled. "Kian come with us" Jenn said and Andrea and her took him outside. I explained my situation to the doctor and she told me that we would work something out. After about 10 minutes later Kian and that came back in. "So what did the doctor say" Jenn said and Jas told her. "Hey Jas, Jenn, Andrea. Ricky and that need us downstairs can you come with me" Sam said and they nodded. They left and it was only Kian and I.

"So when were you planning on telling me?" Kian said in a pretty pissed of tone. I didn't answer. "Ariana answer the question!" Kian yelled. "You should of known I wasn't gunna be here forever and why do you care" I said and tuned my head away from him. He didn't say anything for a while.

"I do care for you" Kian said and grabbed my one good hand. "No you don't, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been hit by a car, I wouldn't have cried as much as I have and I wouldn't have a stitch in my stomach, a broken leg and a broke arm!" I yelled and Kian backed away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of even came" Kian said an turned away "Kian" I said and he turned around. "It would of been a lot better if we were Just Friends" I said and he continued walking away.

The girls and Sam came back in 5 minutes later. "Where is-" "They were never here we just thought you two would need to talk" Sam said and smiled. "Yeah, thanks but I don't know anymore" I said and everyone just nodded. We continued to talk about random stuff for a while til that had to leave. "We will come pick up you up tomorrow" Jas said and left.

**Next Morning**

"Ariana" a lady said waking me up. "Here's and apple for breakfast and a very cute boy left these here for you this morning" she said and walked away. I took a bite of the apple and looked at the flowers. They were red, yellow and pink roses. I pulled out the tag and read it.

'I know you probably won't forgive me but I'm am sorry. I am suck a dick and I am sorry that I hurt you :( Love Kian xx
P.S Call me if you want to chat'

I put the tag back in and smiled. I wish I could forgive him but I can't not yet. I finished my apple and Jas came In and filled out the paper work and I was set free. I got in the car with difficulty and we were off. "So who are the flowers from" Jas asked. "Kian and before you say anything no" she laughed and turned up the music.

'You say we're both little people and you like it that way'

I tuned it off and switched the station. "Hey I was singing to that" Jas said and forwned.

'Shut up and drive'

We were sing the lyrics out loud til we got home. "Look who is here" I looked up to see Kian. He stood up and opened my door. "You girls need any help" he said and Jas looked at me and smirked. "Sure firstly can you get the wheelchair, secondly can you go to the store and get down condoms, pads and tampons. Thanks Kian" Jas said and I started laughing. "Ow" I said and Jas and Kian started laughing. I punched Kian in the stomach. "Ow, you winded me" he said and started to get the wheelchair. He set it up and helped me into it. He then wheeled me
inside. "Hey Jas can you take the wheelchair?" Kian said and picked me up and carried my upstairs. He put me on my bed and put blankets over me. "Need anything else" Kian said and I shock my head. "Can we talk?" Kian said and sat down next to me.

"Fine you have 5 minutes explain" I said and sat up.

Kian took a deep breath. "I know I screwed up. I firstly shouldn't have went off at you. I shouldn't take my anger out on you and I know you were just trying to help. Secondly I cheated on you. I fell so bad. I don't know what I was thinking. Ariana if there is any chance of forgiveness please forgive me." He said and grabbed my hands.

"Kian...... I love you" Kian instantly started smiling. "But" he then lost his smile. "No matter how much I love you, I just can't forget and forgive right now. I know I'm only here for a few more weeks but to be honest, we were kidding ourselves. You knew someday I would have to leave and we both know long distance relationships don't work. I'm really sorry Kian" I said and looked down.

Kian grabbed my chin and looked my in the eyes. He then leaned in and touched my lips. His lips were so soft. He deattached himself and rested his forehead on mine. "I'm gunna miss you"

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