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I thought about not answering it but then he might get worried so I gave in.

"Hey Kian" I said through the phone. "Hey baby, want to come around?" "It's dark Kian and we have school tomorrow" I said with a weak laugh. "Okay, I just really want to cuddle and kiss you" he said. I could here the sadness in his voice. "Well I'm gunna go to bed night Kian" "Wait" Kian said right before I was about to hang up. "Why did you go early and don't lie to me" shit he was on to me. "Night Kian" I said and hung up.

I turned my light off, put my phone on silent and put it on charge. As soon as I got comfortable Jas came through the door. "Ariana! It's Kian he wants you" she said with the phone out for me. "I don't want to talk" "One min Kian" she said into the phone then muted us. "Tell him now!" "No! I'll do it face to face" I said and closed my eyes. "Kian she tired she said she will talk tomoz" she said as she walked away.

Telling Kian will be so hard. He will probably dump me. Well there is only one way to find out. I thought and then went to sleep.

I woke up felling fresh and great to be alive. I walked into the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my hair and straighter it. I then put a little bow in my hair to match what I was going to wear. I went through my closet and grabbed out my denim ripped jeans, my black high tops and a black top with a good heart on it. I tied my shoelaces and looked in the mirror. I decided no make up cause for once in my life I didn't want to wear it or I thought that it was required.

I ran downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs. "Here you go Ariana" Claire said and handed me a plate full of food. "Thanks Claire" I said and took a bite. "So are you gunna tell him?" Jas said to me from the other side of the table. "Yep I guess" she smiled and hopped up. I quickly finished mine and texted Kian.

Me: Meet me at school 😔
Kian: Sure what up 😢
Me: Tell you when I see you 😔
Kian: I love you 😔😘
Me: I know you do Ki 😘

I locked my phone and grabbed my white penny board and started skating to school. When I got there Kian was waiting at me locker. "Hey" he said and grabbed me and spun me around. "Kian I'm not breaking up with you" I said and laughed. "Good" he said and kissed my cheek. I instantly got butterflies. "Kian about yesterday... I lied... I'm sorry" I said and he gave me a cuddle. "Then why did you actually leave?" He said and kissed my forehead. "Because, I... Umm, I can't do this" I said and slammed my locker door and ran into the girls bathroom.

I couldn't tell him. I already knew he would be angry at me. I felt my phone buzz.

Kian: What's wrong come out and tell me
Me: I can't
Kian: You can tell me anything ☺️

Kian saying that made me fell 100x better. I walked out and he was standing there looking at his phone. "Kian" he then pulled me aside and looked at me "Tell me" he said and grabbed my hands. "I, I'm, Im a, I can't-" I said but Kian finished it. "You're a virgin" he said and smiled. "How the hell did you know?" I said and looked at him confused. "A it was other that or you were going to break up with me and you said you werent doing that and Jas told me. She knew you would chicken out. But Ariana I don't care if you have had sex or not before." He said and hugged me. "Thanks Kian" I said and hugged him back.

"So you told him" I heard Jas say from behind. "No, you did" I said to her while still holding on to Kian. "Sorry about that" "Its okay" I said and smiled "Well I'll see you love birds later" she said and I assumed left.

I love that Kian understands and I am certain I want him to be the one I lose it to. The bell rang and ruined our moment. "I don't want to leave" I said and held onto him. "Hey we have English, Maths and 2 art lessons today so I'll see you then"he said and kissed my forehead. We then went our separates ways.

The first 2 periods seemed like they want for ever. But next was art. When I arrived at art I saw Kian sitting at a big table with Cameron. Jas and I want to sit down with them. "Hey Cameron, this is my girlfriend Ariana, Ariana, Cameron" Kian said to us. "Hey Ariana nice to meet you again" Cam said in a British accent. "You too" I said and giggled. "Hey are you from Australia?" He asked me. "Yep" "Your accent is so strong" he said and laughed. "Yer I guess" I said and then the teacher walked in.

The teacher instructed us to draw something to do with nature and we could use anything in the room. Jas went to go get paper and pencils while Kian and Cameron got paint. They all ad eventually came back and we started. "Ariana do you want to sit next to Kian?" Cameron asked me. I looked at Jas and she nodded that it was okay. "Sure" I said and got up switched places with Cameron.

"Hey Babe" Kian said and kissed my cheek. "Hey" I said and blushed. Kian and I continued small talk until we had to paint. Luckily we had two lessons of Art.

I was painting my flower when Kian interrupted me. "Hey Ariana" "What Kian" "I gotta tell you something but don't freak out" he said and looked down. "Wow Kian that doesn't make me want to freak out" I said and laughed. "Well you have got something right there" he said and put his paint brush on my nose. "You know what Kian you have got something right there" I said and poured purple paint over him. "Dude that was so unfair" Kian said and stood up. "Yer I'm sorry Kian" I said and grabbed some more paint and poured it all over him. "Okay you done" Kian said. "No" I said and grabbed more paint but this time it went all over Cameron and Jas. "Wow thanks guys" they said in unison. "Hey don't blame me blame her" Kian said and gave me a hug. "Kian!" I yelled and we both grabbed more paint and threw it on each other.

"Lawley! & ahh the girl next to him to the head teacher now!" The teacher yelled and Kian and I walked out. "Well" I said as we walked outside. "Hey what your last name anyway?" "Really?" "Yeah what is it" Kian said and shoved me, playfully. "Rose" I said and smiled "I like it, Ariana Rose, it's beautiful" he said and reached for my hand and held on to it. "So Kian where is the head teacher?" Kian stopped. "Well we can turn left for the head teacher or we can not go there and just ditch the whole period without getting caught" "Left" I said and pulled him with me. "Fine but why?" He said and groaned. "Cause I don't want to go alone and I don't want to go back home" I said and smiled. "Okay I wouldn't want you going home, I would miss you way to much" he said and gave me a hug.

Sadly I knew in 4 months time I would have to go home but I can't tell Kian. Not yet at least.

We arrived at the head teacher and he told us to stay back and clean up. Also if we caused anymore trouble they would split us up.

The end of school came and Kian and I had to clean up the art room. I went to my locker to put everything then headed to the art room. When I got there I saw Kian and the teacher talking. "Oh there you are-" "Ariana, her name is Ariana" Kian said to the teacher. "Okay sorry but Ariana and Kian clean up I'll be back in and hour" the teacher said and walked out the door. "What's her name?" I said to Kian. "Miss Mason" Kian said and closed the art doors and locked them. He then plugged his music on and blasted it. I laughed and we started cleaning/dancing. I was scrubbing floors while Kian cleaned the tables.

About half way through we were almost done. We just had to mop. "Hey Ariana, come in here" Kian said and walked into the Art supply room. I stopped what I was doing and walked into the Art supply room. "Kian where are you?" I said and the door closed. "Kian don't f with me" I then felt a hands snake around me and someone started sucking on my neck. "Kiannnnn" I moaned. He laughed and let go. "Screw you Kian" I said and he turned on the light. When I looked at him he had his shirt off. "You like" I laughed and he put his arms out. I gave him a hug then looked into his eyes.

He eyes were dreamy and I just couldn't help myself.

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