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"You did what?"

Hyunjin was stood in the kitchen of Felix's apartment, lips parted slightly in shock, with his hands stiff by his side. 

"I.. saved him." Felix mumbled, embarrassment creeping over his body. 

He shouldn't feel embarrassed, why would he feel embarrassed?

"We kill people for a reason - they're too weak to coerce, and too traumatised to forget. Why on earth would you go back and save him?" Hyunjin wasn't angry, his voice oozed with pure and utter confusion.

And rightfully so - Felix wasn't exactly known for sparing his victim's lives. In fact, he was normally the one that encouraged the ravenette to kill. It was easier to get rid of any loose ends. 

"Look, I just didn't want to cover up another murder. Plus, I healed his friend - if he died, then Chan would've undoubtedly ran around town telling everyone what he saw." Felix shrugged.

"And you don't think you've doubled the chance of them telling someone now that they're both alive?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, desperate to find sense in the situation. 

"No, actually. He seemed more grateful I saved their lives than mad at the fact we almost took them away. He might not know exactly what we are, but he knows we're not human. He knows we're stronger, and he won't risk his friend dying again. I'll keep an eye on them for the next couple of days." Felix said.

Hyunjin let out an exasperated sigh, finally moving his limbs again. 

"Fine. But if they even look like they're going to go running their mouths, we kill them." 

"Of course." Felix nodded, understanding that keeping who they were a secret was the most important thing.

It's not that the general population was aware of the existence of vampires, but some people were. Some humans believed in them through folklore, meaning they normally got the details about their strengths and weaknesses wrong, while others had been exposed to their existence through unfortunate circumstances, such as being witness to a hunt, or a survivor from a careless vampire. Some humans liked vampires, and even offered to let them feed from them, such as the gentlemen Felix would invite over on a regular basis. However, the majority of humans who knew about vampires hated them for the death and pain they caused, and wanted them gone. 

These people - 'believers', as the boys had called them - were no threat for the two, as they were now. Felix and Hyunjin were stronger, faster, and smarter than all of those believers combined, and knew they'd never hurt them. But, still, that didn't mean they wanted the number of them to grow, as that could potentially cause them some trouble. 

"Anyways," Hyunjin said, breaking the brief silence, "I have to go, I told Minho I'd help him go over his presentation for college."

"Cool, I'll see you whenever." Felix smiled, waving goodbye to his friend as he left the blonde's apartment. 

Now that the topic had been brought up, Felix wondered how the two from the night before were doing. Not out of concern, of course, but rather sheer curiosity. The one thing that had always been true about Felix, was that he was a curious person. That was how he had been turned into a vampire in the first place - curiosity had, undoubtedly, killed the cat. 

Felix shuddered at the thought of his human self, deciding to focus on the two living beings that would hopefully not become a problem for him. The boy grabbed his jacket, deciding to spend his day following the two to see what they would do with their newfound information. 

With only the scent of the two to go off of, Felix decided to go back to where he had bitten Chan last night and follow it from there. Since they had been outdoors, however, it would be near impossible to trace the scent, especially given the fact it had happened over eight hours ago. But, Felix had Chan's phone, as he had stolen it last night to prevent him from calling for help. He figured the brunette would have something on there to indicate his address, or where he might have ran off to. 

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