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Felix sat up in his bed, confused as to why Hyunjin was knocking at his door at nearly five in the morning. 

He had just gotten comfortable, and was expecting to sleep for a few hours - clearly, that was not happening right now. Walking over to the door, the blond opened it, to see a teary eyed Hyunjin. 

"Hey, what happened?" Felix asked, immediately opening the door fully and hugging his friend.

"God, Lix I feel so bad." Hyunjin sniffled, trying not to let himself cry. He had always been sensitive, but no one ever faulted him for it.

"What is it?" Felix questioned, guiding both of them to his living room. 

"I was walking Junho back to his place from the bar, and on my way back I heard yelling, well Chan yelling. He was being assaulted by some middle-aged creep in the dude's home." Hyunjin said, and Felix felt his stomach drop. 

"Assaulted how?" Felix asked, feeling his grip on the pillow he was holding tighten.

"The guy was pushed up against him, trying to kiss him, molesting him." Hyunjin tried to keep his composure, but the shake of his shoulders gave it away pretty quickly.

"Oh my god." Felix said, expression softening. "Is he okay?"

"I-I think. I broke down the door and threw the guy across the room, and walked Chan home. He seemed shaken, so I tried to talk to him and distract him, but he was really quiet. I couldn't tell if it was just because he hates me for attacking his friend, though." 

"Okay, it probably wasn't just that. He was pissed over that, sure, but he ran his mouth when he was pissed, he didn't keep quiet. He was probably still in shock." Felix said, Hyunjin nodding as a tear escaped his eye.

"That's what I thought. From what you say he seems snappy, not quiet. God, I wanted to kill that fucking creep." Hyunjin said, clenching his jaw. 

Felix's eyes softened, knowing that the topic of what had happened had unfortunately been an all-too familiar one for Hyunjin.

"Why didn't you?" The blond questioned. 

"Oh. Well, trust me I wanted to, but I figured the last thing he needed was to witness a murder." Hyunjin shrugged, sniffling as he wiped the remnants of his tears.

"You're better than I am." Felix remarked, hugging his friend again. 

The taller melted into his arms, squeezing the younger back tightly. 

"I should see if he's okay." Felix spoke again after a moment, Hyunjin shaking his head. 

"Not now, in the afternoon. He's probably sleeping." Hyunjin said, and Felix nodded. 

"Yeah, okay." He agreed, shuffling around on the sofa. "Wanna stay the night? We could watch Twilight and make fun of all the shitty vampire facts." 

"I would, but I think I should just get home. I got a ticket to an art gallery out of town so I need to leave in a few hours." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Felix nodded, the elder had been discussing it earlier in the night.

The two stood from the sofa, walking over to the front door.

"Try not to dwell on what happened too much, yeah? You got there in time." Felix gave a solemn smile, and Hyunjin simply nodded. 

He knew the ravenet would dwell on it regardless, but at least he had tried to convince him not to. 

The pair said their goodbyes, and Felix returned to his bedroom. The thought of some creepy motherfucker forcing themself on to Chan turned Felix's stomach. Honestly, the thought of someone forcing themselves on to anyone turned his stomach, but Chan was Felix's - well, he didn't know what he was to him. Not a friend, barely an acquaintance, but he was something. He piqued the younger's interest, and that was enough for Felix to be royally pissed at anyone laying an unwanted hand on him. 

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