Twenty Five

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The news of that creep's death shocked both Chan and Felix when they saw the report on the news. The headline had read 'Clean-up serial killer strikes again', but the pair knew that this was not a serial killer - it was a feeding. 

Chan had a suspicious feeling in his gut; out of all the people in the town that could have been killed, it seemed like more than a coincidence that it was the same man who had attempted to assault him not too long ago. That is, of course, unless he tried to make a move on someone else, and this person happened to be a vampire. 

"Well, if anyone deserved it, it was that fucker." Felix breathed, slumped tiredly across the couch. He may not need much sleep, but his body clearly lacked energy regardless. 

"Dunno, it just doesn't sit right with me." Chan huffed, turning his head to face the other, who was delicately drawing circles in his palm with his index finger. 

Felix looked up in confusion, before apologising. 

"Sorry, I know it's a sensitive topic, and I know your stance on anyone dying, regardless of who they are." The blond's eyes shone sympathetically, a small wave of guilt hitting his chest. 

Chan furrowed his eyebrows. 

"No, I don't mean it like that. I mean, yeah, I don't want anyone dying of course-" Chan cut himself off before he entered the awkward territory of his views that lay between morals and judgement. "What I mean to say is, it's weird that of all people, it was him."

Felix nodded slowly, realising what the elder meant. 

"I mean, I can ask Hyunjin and Minho, but honestly I don't think they would've targeted him at his home. They like the thrill of a chase." Felix said, trying to put it in as simple terms as possible without making his friends sound sadistic. 

Jisung stepped out of the guest room, seemingly having just woken up. His hair was disheveled, though he had already changed into clothes, meaning the two's conversation hadn't woken him.

"What's going on?" Jisung questioned, eyes glancing over to the television which was now showing sports announcements. 

"Someone was found dead in their home this morning, likely a vampire." Chan said, figuring there was no sensitive way to say it. 

Jisung's body stiffened, and his eyes widened slightly in panic. He played it off as shock, not wanting to confess to anything just right now.

"Oh, really?" His voice was quiet, but he left his lips in an 'o' shape to mimic surprise. 

Felix had never been amazing at reading people, but he was good at picking up on body language - his last two years of hunting proving it to be an invaluable skill that he had honed. So, when he saw Jisung's very obvious mask of his emotions, he hopped up off of the sofa. 

"Jisung, let's take a walk. Some fresh air would be good for you this morning." The blond offered, already moving to grab his shoes. 

Chan looked confused, before realising he was probably taking him to clear his mind from the idea of death. The poor kid had only been turned a day and a half ago, and he was already being faced with death caused by one of his kind. 

Jisung silently nodded his head, nervously slipping some shoes on before following the blond out of the apartment. He didn't understand Felix's rush to leave, but assumed it was to talk to him - maybe to ask how he felt about the situation, or to check up on how he had been coping. 

The two barely walked ten feet from the door of the building, before Felix began speaking. 

"Did you kill him?" 

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