The Sleepover

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Over the past few months I've made quite a few friends, i'm so happy have built a little community for myself. Of course I still love and appreciate the time I spend with him, but I feel having time away from one another helps maintain a healthy relationship.

Janelle had messaged me earlier today inviting me over for a sleepover tonight. I'd spent hours going over and over in my head how I'd ask him permission to go, especially since it'd be very difficult to sneak bodyguards into a young woman's NYC studio apartment.

I gathered the courage to walk up to his office and gently knock on the door. He was in a meeting with a few of the guards, but one thing he'll always do is make time for me.

"Enter." I hear the strong baritone of his voice. I look up to see him in all his glory. His dark, hazy eyes meeting my own. His gaze always made me weak in the knees, never failing to capture me in a trance and fall deeper and deeper.

"Vieni qui (Come here)." He commanded. He knew I'd only ever interrupt his meetings if it was important. I'd never disrespect his time, even if he didn't care.

I took another glance around the huge office. Still in awe of the marble flooring and long, black wooden desk with matching office chairs with gold/silver finishing. I'd only been in here a handful of times.

Quickly snapping out of it, I timidly walk over to him, passing five or six guards on the way to the head of the table where their Capo sat. He never once wavered in his gaze. The burly man reached his arm out to hook it around my waist, I squeal as he lifts me and sits me on his lap.

"Qual è, il mio amore? (What is it, my love?)" He questions. As I open my lips to ask my request, he runs his free hand through my hair and cups my face. I'm entranced by the tingles I feel and the butterflies that fill my stomach. I lean into him completely forgetting what I had practiced.

He peppered kisses along my neck, taking time to suckle and lightly bight leaving soon to be hickeys in his path.

He never shied away from public displays of affection. His reason being that everyone should know who I belong to. It's always been this way, but I still feel bad for the guards who have to watch, nonetheless.

"I...I have a request."

"Proceed." He replied.

"There's this sleepover I've been invited to...I-I really want to go."

His path of kisses cease, and hands tighten around my waist.

"Who?" I can tell this is a two part question. Referring to who is hosting and who will be there.

"Janelle's hosting, it's just us two." Before missing a beat he replies "Devon, preparare i controlli dei precedenti (Devon, prepare the background checks)."

He had a certain way about protecting my safety. Doing background checks into the people, places, and things I'd taken interest in, for precautions of course.

The background check coming back clean is just the first obstacle, and they usually take 1-3 business days to complete.

He's already looking into Janelle, so the check would likely be for her apartment, neighbors, and the entire block. The problem was, was that the sleepover is tonight, I don't have 1-3 business days.

"N-no, it's tonight." He pulls back and meets my lowered gaze, his eyes hardening.

"Okay, Devon, Marco, and Leonardo will go with you, then." A loud gasp leaves my lips, "No, please, they can't come! It's just the two of us, I promise I'll be safe, and I'll pack my own snacks, and I promise I'll check-in with you every five minutes if that's what it takes."

He sighs. "We'll put a rush on the checks, and if they come back clean before tonight, then you can go." A big, silly smile makes its way to my lips, and just as I'm about to thank him profusely he finishes his statement.

"But, Devon and Marco will stakeout outside the apartment, and will bring you home no later than 5am sharp." I didn't expect him to be so reasonable, but I'm happy he said yes, even on these conditions. I could hopefully make this work.

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