Three Options, Perhaps a Fourth

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Author's Question: What's been your favorite chapter so far?


It was cold, really cold. Dove woke to the beeping of a heart monitor, and an IV stuck in her arm.

Where was she?

Her head hurt, and she was unsure why.

Where was he?

All she could remember was the look on his face before everything went dark. Had she fainted?

Suddenly she felt a shuffle to her left. Somehow she had missed it, but a warm, dark hand was enclasped around her own.

She let out a scratched "Devon?" It was clear she needed water.

His head shot up at the sound of her voice. He had waited all night long to hear her again. No, he had waited several weeks to see her again.

"Dove, you're awake," he said in awe. She had been asleep for the past 72 hours, and the doctors had begun questioning everything.

They had cared for Dove ever since she arrived to the estate, and she was always in tip top shape. They made sure of it, and as she was his responsibility. He assigned them to be theirs as well.

Her health was his biggest priority, thus she was attended to regularly. So, of course, the doctors had, respectfully, questioned him about everything that had happened over the past month. They needed answers.

The door to the room creaked open, and a man about 6'2 or so walked in with a clip board and what Devon assumed was her medical chart.

"It's way too cold in here, nurse please take care of that," he paged before stepping fully into the room.

His demeanor shifted as he watched Devon snatch his hand back from hers. His jaw ticking, taking in a slow breath. But, for her, he would fix his face.

"Dove, i'm glad to see you're awake." His voice had softened tremendously compared to when he paged the nurse.

The girl did her best to smile, but it came out lackluster. He could tell she was doing her best, but was ultimately confused on why she was here.

"You're probably wondering why you're here."

"What's the diagnosis, James?" He huffed out.

"That's Dr. Hart, sir." James replied quick-wittily.

James Hart stood firm on this. He worked hard for his title.

It took him no less than three separate degrees from the best Ivy League institutions in the United States to get "Doctor" attached to his name.

No one would disregard him, not even the Capo.

"If you don't tell me what I need to hear within the next point five seconds, your title will be meaningless and any record of you being walking the halls of Harvard will be erased." He sneered in his thick Italian accent.

James gulped, this wasn't the time to be prideful, it's one thing to stand your ground, but another to realize it's an unequal playing field.

"Dove, fainted due to stress. Being kept down here for so long has taken a toll on her body. She needs to be free from t-this prison."

It did feel like a prison. This was no place for a young, bright girl like her. She should be back at the main estate, alongside the children she loved to teach, and playing in her pasture.

He contemplated for a moment. What was he to do? It wasn't safe for her to stay here, in fact, there was nowhere he felt was safe until he found out who was behind the attack. He couldn't risk losing his precious Doe.

"Doctor Hart, what do you suggest?"

James was taken aback to say the least. He could tell the Capo truly respected his opinion, but was sure he might kill him for his answer. But he knew what was best for the girl, they all knew except him.

"Let her go."

Devon was dripping with sweat. He sat before the Capo and Giovanni. They'd been there just staring at one another for a half hour.

Devon's foot shook nervously. He'd only sat across from the Capo himself twice before.

The first at the academy when the Capo declared him "insufficient" on graduation day, and sent him back for eight additional months of gruesome training before he could reach level one guard status in the Capo's fleet.

The second was before the Board when he was relieved of his guard duties over Dove.

In his mind he'd ran through several other options, but Devon seemed like the only practical one.

Giovanni presented the Capo with three options:
(1) Ballet school in Russia.
(2) Convent in Italy.
(3) A fellowship with NASA at the International Space Station.

The Capo nearly cut off his head. First of all, the Russians could've been behind all of this, and they'd be delivering the girl right into their hands.

Second, he would never trust the Catholic church. Third, although NASA owed him a favor or two, the average space expedition could last six months up to a year.

That's what brought them to the fourth option...Devon.

Devon tried clearing his throat to break the awkward silence. "Sir, is there a reason you wanted to meet with me?"

The Capo glared at the boy, he hated what he was about to suggest.

Seeing that this was the last thing he would ever want to do, Giovanni stepped in.

"You're from New Orleans, right? How's the weather this time of the year?" He nervously laughed.

Coming out from around the Capo's desk, Giovanni walked a bit closer to Devon.

"I mean, it's nice I guess..." He was confused, why would they ask him about his hometown?

"Cut to the chase, Giovanni." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"We need you to take Dove into hiding. She'll be staying with you and your family for the next 30 days, or less—"

"Emphasis on less." He spat in interruption, still glaring at the boy.

"Yes, or less...until we find out who was behind the attack. We're sure your humble, and inconspicuous upbringing will work. No one would think to look for La Principessa Italiana there."

(The Italian Princess)

Devon couldn't even process the fact that they'd called his home humble and inconspicuous. They wanted him to take her home with him?

Unbeknownst to them all, fate had played its hand.

Author's note:

Hello, loves!! I'm seeing all the traction this book is getting lately and i'm loving it. We're so close to 10k!!!! I'm so happy you're giving this book and its respective characters a chance 🥹

What motivates me the most is seeing your comments and asking for updates, it just kicks me into gear and reminds me that there's someone else out there who wants to be a part of this journey 📚

Please keep it up with your votes and comments. I so very much appreciate it 🤍

Also, I usually announce updates to my followers, and that's the quickest way to know when new chapters are out 📢

I love you all. God bless you and keep you.

- 🕊️

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