Change of plans

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*Knock* *Knock*

I turned and shyly waved at Devon and Marco parked across the street from Janelle's apartment. This is so awkward, but I'm praying no one notices them, especially Janelle.

"Hey..." I trailed off seeing Janelle at the door with what looked like an overnight bag in her hand.

"Hi! So, change of plans. My friend, Erin, will be hosting tonight. The heat's out in my apartment, and I can't get it repaired until Sunday. I hope that's okay?"

That was unexpected, "oh, uhm, sure, okay?"

"Great! The uber's will be here any moment now to, drive us over." What was I supposed to say? No, because my overprotective partner had run an entire background check on her and the 10 other residents in her building, just so I could come over? Not only that, but my bodyguards are parked outside her place watching us.

As we sat on the building steps, bags in hand, waiting for the uber to arrive, I pull out my phone to quickly message Devon.

"hii, so change of plans..janelle ordered an uber to take us over to her friend's place instead. The heat's broken."

"No." Devon replied almost a little too fast, as if he knew this was going to fail from the start. "We're taking you back home, you should have never been authorized to go in the first place."

I stare wide eyed at the text. Why was Devon upset that I was here, and most importantly, how could he disagree with his Capo's authorization. On that note, the Uber had arrived. I'm not one to disregard safety precautions, but when would he ever let me do something like this again.

I grabbed my bag and ran to the Uber knowing fully well Devon would be upset. Just as the car pulled off, I could see Devon and Marco jump out of their Escalade, and yelling for us to come back. Thankfully Janelle and the driver was distracted so they couldn't see them.

"I'll text you the address once we get there and settle down." I just know they're fuming, but I'm confident they've got the plate number and heading our way right now.

"When it comes to your safety, our orders override everything else. We're coming for you." Why is he acting this way? Devon had become so much more overbearing and controlling these past few months. I trust him to keep me safe, so why is Devon putting me under so much pressure?

"I'm so excited for tonight! Erin's super cool, and we've known each other since college." I smile at Janelle's excitement. None of this is her fault, and I'd do everything possible to keep her unaware of the chaos behind the scenes.


"Wow," I say staring upwards at the large apartment building. I know this cost a fortune, I mean it is New York.

A buzz at the door goes off and soon we're let in into the beautiful building. The lobby is pristine and so is the elevator. Once we reach the top floor we approach unit 15b, and Janelle knock's rapidly on the door. "We're here!"

To my surprise a man opens the door, and wraps Janelle into a hug. "Glad you could make it, it's been awhile." I stand in shock as the two friends catch up.

"Hi, I'm Aaron." He says reaching out to shake my hand. Erin, as in Aaron? I'm not sure why I assumed his gender, since it's a unisex name. Oh, I'm definitely in trouble now.

I outstretch mine as well, shaking it politely. "Nice to meet you, Aaron.. I'm Dove."

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