He's Home

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Dove jumped into his arms just as he entered the estate. She always made a habit out of greeting him when he came home. Not like it was expected of her, but she loved being held by him.

The beautiful curve of her body fit so well against the 6'8 beast before her. The man was made of muscle, though he always handled the girl delicately. He'd die before he ever hurt his Doe.

"My love, I've missed you," he spoke truthfully, even after all this time he tossed and turned all night without her by his side.

Her melodic giggle filled the entryway, "I've missed you too...now try my cookies!" She wiggled out of his arms before he knew it, and pulled out a large tin box.

Nothing was sweeter than his Doe, but he'd always eat her baked goods. The girl had excitedly brought a cookie towards his mouth to feed him.

Not only did he devour it, but he licked and suckled on the leftover chocolate on her fingers, giving extra attention to her ring finger.

Devon watched, in disgust, from afar as he "assaulted" the girl's hand. Forcing himself to look away from the intimate moment, he but his tongue to keep silent.

He should've stayed gone, Devon thought to himself.

Giovanni noticed Devon's sour face and elbowed him in his side. The kid would get himself killed, if he didn't fix his attitude, he's lucky the Capo's distracted and hasn't noticed him yet.

Unfortunately for them, someone had noticed.

"Giorgio, would you like a cookie?" The young girl gazed up softly trying to meet the man's piercing grey eyes.

His heart warmed at her generosity, as he tore his stare away from the balcony where Devon and Giovanni stood.

"Yes please, principessa." She generously pulled out a seperate tub for him. "Please give this to your wife and little girl, I hope they're doing well." She spoke.

Giorgio was shocked that she'd remembered. In that moment, his adoration and allegiance to the girl grew 10x stronger.

The Capo took the tin from her hands and handed it over to the supporting staff to share amongst his guards as Dove intended.

He needed his alone time with her and now.

Whilst whisking her away to his room in the manor, he couldn't help but think about all the ways he'd "take care" of her once she was his forever. For now, her sacred body was God's alone.

The ongoing war was here, and unfortunately followed him home.

He worked at his desk scattered with crumpled pieces of paper. Dove was asleep on his lap, face buried into his chest. She had fallen asleep to the soft, circular motions he'd massaged into her back.

His enemies sought after his greatest weakness, and here she was, softly snoring in his arms. He had a bad feeling, but couldn't exactly pinpoint.

"Soon." Is all he thought to himself, bringing the girl closer, he inhaled her scent, as it's always calmed him down.

"I will always protect you." He whispered into the girl's ear.

"Please, please, please hurry, we're going to be late," the girl anxiously spoke running around in search of her precious kitten heels.

For the first time, in a long time, He was home on a Sunday. Dove made an active effort to attend church every Sunday, and although He wasn't much of a believer himself, He would build a sanctuary for her God if she asked him to.

"Il mio fiore, stop running, and come here." He spoke calmly, yet firmly.
(My flower)

She stopped in her pursuit, and having feeling overwhelmed, tears began welling in her eyes as she gently walked over to him.

"Qual è il problema?" He frowned, he hated seeing her upset. Pulling her into his arms, and allowing her to softly sniffle in his chest.
(What's wrong?)

"I just want everything to be perfect, and for you to have a good time..." she admitted.

Was that all? He couldn't care less about his attendance today, but, of course, he would never tell her that.

He knew exactly how the church would feel about him. How they would judge him for his violent ways and evil deeds. Everyone in this city knew who he was and his line of work.

Everyone but her.

There were countless times they'd tried to convince her to leave him, all of them futile. He would do anything to shield her from the truth, which is why he threatened to not only wipe out the church and its branches across the U.S., but the entire denomination.

He probably even screwed them over in one way or another. His hands were in all dealings of money, tax exempt or not.

"Don't worry, mio angelo, as long as you are with me, I am happy."
(My angel)

She smiled looking up at him as he wiped the tears from her buoyant cheeks.

He pulled out the heels she had just searched tirelessly for, from behind his back.

Watching as she blushed in embarrassment, he kneeled down before her to slip them onto her feet.

The sermon was powerful. More than he wanted to admit.

He knew he needed to get right with God, but he was the Capo, the Mafia King, and infamously known as the "Destroyer." How could God love someone like him. Someone who only knew sin and death.

Dove sat captivated by the sermon, she hadn't taken her eyes off the pastor once, and he knew she would want to see it through to the end.

He glanced at his watch, they'd been sitting and standing and sitting in the pews for over an hour and a half. It was time for them to go.

"There's someone here today who needs to hear this." A pregnant pause came shortly after, leaving the entire congregation on their toes.

"Every time you flee from the presence of God, you're in trouble. And every time you hear the gospel and do nothing about it, you're in eternal trouble."

"Living inside your body is a spirit that lives forever either in heaven or hell, and you're taking a chance every time you hear the gospel and do nothing about it."

"Stop trying to rebel against God's will, or you'll continue to suffer because of it." The pastor met his gaze in the balcony. Somehow piercing through him.

He didn't believe in prophetic words or signs or wonders and miracles. Nothing surprised him in all his years, but this...convicted him.

Author's Note:

We're back!! Happy new year, lovelies, i'm excited for us to continue this journey together. This chapter in particular feels special to me because we start to start to explore Dove's faith and His lack thereof.

Please continue to vote, comment, share, and add to your reading lists, your support means so much and motivates me to keep going.

Ciao for now 🤍

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