About Last Night

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I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!

I get so embarrassed just thinking about the social damage Devon's done to my reputation.

One second, Mason was trying to pull a move on me, and then the next thing I knew, a storm of men in black broke down the door and barged into the apartment. There were flashes of light and sirens going off, and I felt so dazed and confused.

Suddenly I was pulled away from Mason and into a hard chest. Trying to wriggle my way out of the stranger's hold to catch a glimpse of their face, I was met with a tighter grasp. I would've panicked had I not heard Devon's voice, trying to reassure me, everything would be okay.

I wasn't worried about my safety, I was worried about Mason's, he was caught in an uncompromising position, and that would lead to unimaginable punishment. I feared for him, i'm sure he didn't have any ill intentions.

Soon, I was dragged out of the building and into an escalade. I looked up to glare at Devon as he was buckling me in. Thinking he'd stopped his attempts because he could feel me staring daggers into the side of his head, I had no idea he was distracted by something else.

His eyes trailed up from my legs, towards my torso, then my chest. He was trembling slightly and started going a little red. "You can buckle yourself in," he gruffly spoke, and then slammed the car door in my face. What was all that about?

Realization suddenly hit me, I had on a silk nightie, that barely covered my legs, and was slightly see through. I wanted to sink through the leather seats of the escalade. I was in such a rush to pack, and this was all I could find. I didn't think it'd be an issue because for one, Janelle and I were the only people I accounted for at this sleepover, and two, I planned on changing before it was time to go home.

Fast forward to this morning, I'm being summoned into his office. I'm not one to disobey the rules, so this would be my first time and I had no idea what to expect.

After a quick shower, I slipped into a pink, fitted maxi dress, unbraided my hair, and placed a pearl necklace around my neck. I even made sure to put on his favorite perfume.

I was escorted out of my room by one of the guards, and dreaded the long walk to his office. Once we arrived, we were met with two guards at the door, who quickly exchanged nods with the guard escorting me.

"He's been expecting you, go on in." I gulped as the guard opened the door.

Last time I was here his men were seated all around the main table, to my surprise, it was just Devon and Giovanni surrounding him.

With my head down I sulked my way over to him.
I'm sure Devon's already thrown me under the bus and blown things out of proportion. What defense do I have.

I'd made my way over to him but still keeping my distance. I looked up, already meeting his gaze. If he was angry, I wouldn't have been able to tell, he looked emotionless.

Then, I was pulled into his arms, I could feel his massive hands slightly gripping onto my waist. "Dove." That's all he needed to say for me to know I was in trouble. He never called me by my name.

Her eyes began to water as she looked up to meet my gaze. My angel, I hate to see her cry. Last night was out of line. I was up late finishing up work, while waiting for her to come home by curfew, when I got the call from Devon.

He told me everything, from how she jumped into a stranger's car and disobeyed her guard's instructions to staying in the quarters of two men. I was disappointed and angry, but I'd never take it out on her.

I know her well enough to know she had no ill intentions. If anything, I blame that friend of hers, and partially blame Devon. He should've notified me sooner, and gotten her out of their before that boy tried to put his hands on her.

I could feel her hiccups, as she began to cry. Poor baby, the guilt was eating her from the inside out. She balled my shirt into her small fists, and I could feel the tears seep through.

I rubbed small circles into her back, hoisting her into my arms, before sitting down with her in my lap.

In the corner of my eye, I could tell they were watching, but Devon caught my attention the most. There was nothing in particular that stood out, except the fact that he hasn't taken his eyes off her once.

Giovanni's POV
The boy's going to get himself killed. Since the girl's walked in he hasn't taken his eyes off her. That wouldn't have been a problem until I saw him tighten his knuckles every time he touched her.

I kicked Devon in the shin as hard as I could. He snapped out of whatever strange trance he was in, and heatedly glared at me.

I gave him a look saying, we'll talk about this later. Apparently, he needs a reminder of whose she is.

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