It's Not Stalking If They Love You

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Calum purposely took his sweet time getting dressed, only because he wanted to give Michael a chance to leave without the rest of them. Taking a hurried final glance into the smudged mirror Calum ran his long fingers through the front of his hair and swung his bag over his shoulder. Today was going to be the start of his great plan. Phase one being force his company upon Michael at all times.

He couldn't help but have a slight skip in his step as he made his way down the stairs, it was time that he stopped having regrets and made an effort to fix things instead. Luke and Ashton were lounging against the bottom of the bannister, both looking oddly up at Calum as he smiled to himself.

'Good morning dear old boys,' Calum chirped as he jumped the last few steps.

Luke raised an eyebrow, 'any particular reason for this new Calum?'

'Actually I think what Luke meant was, what the fuck is wrong with you?' Ashton contributed sarcastically.

Luke shook his head in disapproval at Ashton's bluntness, 'how about he tells us on the way down to the school, I don't want to have to deal with that monster in detention because we're all late.'

Calum and Ashton followed Luke's lead out of the front door, Ashton making no attempt to hide the looks he was offering towards Calum. Kicking a large stone off to the side Calum began to speak, 'you may have noticed that me and Michael are going through a bit of a rough patch.'

Ashton snorted, 'you make it sound like you're a married couple.'

Luke reached around Calum and slapped Ashton on the back of his head, 'let the poor boy speak.'

Ashton pouted and rubbed the back of his head, 'sorry Cal,' he mumbled like a scolded five year old.

'It's okay kid, anyway I need him to forgive me and I need you guys to help me accomplish that. Because as we all know Mikey is a stubborn little bastard and it's not gonna be easy.'

Luke frowned, 'what exactly can we do?'

'Well I'm gonna go ahead and cut this up into phases, so phase one is force my company upon Michael at every opportunity. If there's a time where I could be alone with him you guys need to help make that happen.'

'Um Cal, I don't mean to rain on your parade here but that actually just sounds a lot like harassment, or stalking.'

'Ash kind of has a point man.' Luke was surprised at Ashton's common sense.

'It's not stalking if they love you.' Calum blushed at his choice of words.

'Yeah said every stalker since the dawn of time.' Ashton couldn't help but remark.

Luke sighed with exasperation, 'look man whatever we can do to help we'll do okay.'

Calum's impish grin found it's way onto his face once again as he put both of his arms around the other two boys. 'Thanks guys, you're the best people ever.'

'Okay that's great now please get off me,' Luke laughed as he slid from underneath Calum's arm. Ashton however sighed in content and wrapped his arm around Calum's waist. 'Ash, you gonna let go of me?' asked Calum as he moved his arm from his shoulders.

'Nah man, the other two never show me any love, I'm enjoying this whilst I can.'

Luke looked at the boy fondly and tried to ignore the stab of jealousy, 'we put up with you don't we, that's more love than you bloody deserve.'

Once again Ashton was left pouting at the result of Luke being Luke but he couldn't hold the act for long as they came to a halt in front of the schools main entrance. It was official, the boys had finally made it to year thirteen, no more side entrances for them. Not that they ever actually listened to that rule. They were the leaders of this school and now they finally got to walk up those grand stone steps. But all of them could feel what was wrong with the picture, no Michael.

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