Mutant Michael

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Calum thought that any amount of attention from Michael would be enough for him. He assumed that simply being in his presence could satisfy him until Michael chose to forgive him. That was up until the most agonisingly awkward two hours of his life occurred. Calum quickly came to the conclusion that he would rather shit in his own hands and clap than sit through another lesson like that.

The lunch hour had finally arrived and Calum had to keep up his golden boy image. So he mustered what little effort he had left and strutted through the back courtyard to the tree. The tree had been somewhat of a school time sanctuary for the boys, regardless of endless detentions and illnesses they had never missed a lunchtime here together. The only rule was no outsiders at the tree, as it was the only place they could be themselves.

Calum's spirits lightened slightly as he spotted the backs of Luke and Ashton, who were looking down and something at the base of the tree. Calum could only just make up some bodies legs sprawled out in front of the boys.

Calum raised his brows, 'what's up guys?'

Luke swung his head fast enough to cause a wind and scoffed, 'why don't you ask lover boy down there?

'What are you on about?'

Ashton and Luke both stepped aside so that Calum could see what they were so disgusted with. It only took a split second for him to understand why they were so pissed. Warm, stinging tears began to build up behind his eyes and his hands shook slightly. Whether it was in hurt or fury he does not know.

Laura. Fucking. Jones.

Laura Jones is what you would call a slut. A simple, no beating around the bush, black and white whore. Although everybody is sure she enjoys the grey areas of sex.

Most boys and girls had some sort of experience with Laura under their belt, but not even Calum could stoop that low. But lord behold there before him sat the bitch of his nightmares sprawled all over the man of his dreams.

Her streaky orange legs were entwined with Michael's, and her platinum blonde head was nestled into his neck. Calum trailed his eyes up to Michael's face but couldn't see his Michael. His eyes weren't glowing with innocent charm, they were simply dead. His boyish smile was gone and replaced by the new and demoted mutant Michael smirk.

Calum's voice shook, 'what the fuck are you doing with her?'

Michael let out a bark of laughter, 'what's the problem Calum babe, you jealous?'

Calum let out a similar laugh, 'of your impending std's, no fucking way. Enjoy your slut.'

Lauren gasped in her annoying nasally way, 'Mikey baby you can't let him speak to me like that!'

'Oh don't act coy, you full well bloody know you're one.' Calum raged.

Michael spoke up, 'slut or not she's with me now.'

The two boys then started what could be called the most intense stare off ever to happen in the history of state offs.

Luke and Ashton had stood quietly and watched the small conflict. Luke was working hard to figure out the dynamics between the other two boys. Ashton however was watching the situation unfold as if Mummy and Daddy were having a domestic.

Luke jabbed him in the side, 'dude get involved before they burn holes into each other or dick jockey over there rubs a hole in Mike's neck with her head.'

'First of all, ow! You could have just called my name, no need for the jab. And second of all why the hell do I have to get involved?'

'Because if I do it I'll sound like a condescending arse, they can't stay mad at you.'

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