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Half an hour. A whole fucking thirty minutes. That's how long Calum had been hobbling along without opening his mouth once. At every attempt to speak he would receive an icy glare from Michael, causing him to instantly shut up. How the hell he had managed to do it was a mystery.

Michael coughed uncomfortably, 'we should be back by the house soon.'

Calum perked his head up, 'Yeah, I can see the lights.' He replied gently.

Michael looked up and noticed that you could in fact see a soft glow coming from the house. He sighed in relied, grateful for the fact that he wouldn't have to focus so hard on being the hostile stranger he had to pretend to be.

As they broke through the forest line and onto the lawn Calum couldn't resist opening his mouth, 'you know the house was sort of like that star from the bible, the one that the wise men follow.'

Michael snorted, 'Calum, considering the fact that I just had to trek in and out of the Forrest to rescue you, I think that it's safe to say you are far from being a wise man.'

'I guess you have a fair point there.'

They reached the backdoor and Michael hesitantly turned so both of his hands had a loose hold on Calum's waist. He couldn't resist looking down into Calum's adoring unsure eyes. Their deep brown colour was just a pool pulling Michael in deeper and deeper by the minute. As Calum tried to casually blink his aggravating fringe out of his eyes Michael couldn't resist pulling him closer and letting out a content sigh.

'Why Cal, why'd you have to do it?'

Calum opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to make words that didn't exist come out. But before he had a chance the door bashed open and bounced off the outside wall. Causing Michael to release his grip on Calum and jump half a metre a way.

Calum was left blushing a deep crimson and attempting to balance on his one decent foot. Both boys took one last look at each other before turning to glare at a rather guilty looking Luke.

'Uh hey guys, what's up?' He gave an uncomfortable half smile.

Ashton's head popped out from the corner, 'Where the hell have you been all night?'

'Mr.Smooth over there managed to fuck up his leg in the middle of no where. You might wanna help him get inside.' With that Michael barged past the two unsuspecting boys and you could hear his frustrated footsteps moving deeper into the house.

'Hey, dumb and dumber, a little help over here if you will?' Calum yelled, causing the boys to turn from where they had been staring after Michael in confusion. They both rushed over and placed an arm each over their shoulders.

Between them they managed to struggle their way through the one person door without causing to much pain for Calum's leg. They placed him as gently as they could on one of the high back kitchen chairs. Adjusting his leg, Calum grimaced and gritted his teeth from the pain. He looked up to see the other two boys staring back down at him. Luke's face was an image of concern and knowing, whereas Ashton looked as though he was trying really hard not to laugh at my misfortune or he really needed a shit. 'Don't suppose you could chuck us some Paracetamol?' Calum asked hopefully.

'Yeah, sure thing.' He turned and walked to the medicine cupboard, 'two of them, yeah?'

'Yeah.' Calum grunted.

Luke walked back over with two paracetamol and handed them out for Calum to take. Calum stuck his head back and popped them in his mouth. Is bizarre ability to dry swallow tablets always made the other boys cringe, especially Michael. The other two boys had now taken seats on the opposite side of the table. Ashton was unable to keep quiet, 'what the hell happened to you?' Ashton couldn't help but to snigger slightly.

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