Can Somebody Say Awkward

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You could supposedly say that you could cut the tension in the room with a knife but that probably wouldn't be enough. You would need more of a meat clever to bash through it because it wasn't just thick but very strong.

There in the doorway stood the object of all Calum's dreams, both appropriate and inappropriate....although mostly inappropriate. The sex God filled up most of the doorway and had to slouch slightly due to his tall six foot stature. For the start of the year he had decided to go with an obnoxiously loud red hair dye, Calum much preferred the blue. But God damn could he pull anything off. His fitted plaid shirt hung tightly around his shoulders and his skinny jeans fell slightly loose on his overly skinny legs.

After more than a few once overs Calum came to a simple conclusion, he wanted Michael Clifford.

The silence was broken by none other than Luke who gave a loud cough from his bed in the corner. 'Maybe we should just put the radio on guys.'

'That is an excellent idea!' Replied Ashton

Michael glanced at his feet in distaste, 'Yeah, whatever.'

Shuffling into the room he avoided all of Calum's attempts at eye contact. Since that night in the Summer Michael had decided that Calum was not worth a second look, not after what went down. Michael came to an abrupt stop at the end of his bed whilst everybody else stared.
He turned to Luke, 'Hey Luke, how'd you feel about swapping beds this year. I quite fancy myself a corner bed.'

Luke was thoroughly confused 'Why don't you just swap with Calum.'

Michael took a moment to stare at Calum and said 'I'd much rather be on the other side of the room thanks.' The words felt like a stone cold knife being pushed into Calum's heart. He began telling himself over and over again, you don't care, you can have anyone else you want, don't let the walls break.

'Sorry Mikey, but you'll just have to deal with it man. I'm not giving up the bed where I banged Meg.'

Ashton who had simply been observing the events suddenly grinned, 'You mean the hot Italian?'

'You know it.' Luke then turned to Calum 'Fancy coming for a walk?'

Calum coughed awkwardly 'Uh yeah, sure. Why not.' For the second time today Calum shoved his ray bans atop his head and his jacket over his shoulder. He had a feeling he would be seeing a lot of his arrogant surprise this year.

Michael hated seeing Calum look so insecure and lost but he was the one who hurt him and he deserved it. Michael just had to remember that, Calum obviously didn't really want him and regretted everything. Maybe this would be the year they swapped roles, Calum would suddenly be the little puppy dog and Michael could be the one on top for once.

Due to his deep thoughts Michael failed to notice that Luke and Calum had left the room and Ashton was now sitting on the bed next to him simply staring. That was up until he felt the corner of something hard hit the centre of his forehead and he shit a brick.

'Did you just throw he a piece of Lego at me??' Michael demanded mouth ajar.

'Well you were off with the fairies mate, what was I supposed to do.' Ashton shrugged

Michael rolled his eyes, you would think after six long years together he'd be used to Ashton's crap. 'Why do you still have Lego?'

Ashton raised an eyebrow, 'Why don't you still have Lego?'

'Huh, touché my fiend, touché.'

'Don't you mean friend?'

Michael sniggered to himself 'Oh no I meant fiend.'

Ashton childishly poked his tongue out before standing on his bed and jumping over the small space to Michael's. 'Soooooo.'

Michael gave him a baffled look, 'Sooooo what?'

You gonna tell me what's going on with you and Cal, cause there was more tension in this room than a Winchester family reunion.'

'Ash come on, we're not gossiping twelve year old girls. And there's nothing going on.'

'Well Mike-ro-wave I beg to differ, because there is something up with you and Cal Pal that you're not telling and we may as well be twelve year old girls.'

Michael couldn't resist letting out a laugh, he really did love Ash. 'You'll never give up those nicknames will you, and there's nothing going on. We've just out grown each other a bit.'

'That's bullshit Mikey, you guys do each others heads in constantly but you've got something special and you can't outgrow that.'

'Jesus Chris, you're making us sound gay.'

'Yeah I know I am.' At this Ashton got up from Michael's bed and happily skipped off out the door. He knew that he had hit a nerve with Mikey and that he wouldn't notice his sudden disappearance.

Ashton was like the relationship master, he'd been there and done everything by the time he was fourteen. And he sure as hell knew when two people were meant to be together. He was not going to leave this school before he had gotten those two to get back together and then on top of each other. He had a funny feeling that the second part might just have been what fucked those two up.

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