The Knight and his Prince

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Calum hit call before he could change his mind. He began chewing on his lower lip in anticipation, he hoped to God that it would ring and he hadn't been blocked. Otherwise he was gonna have to spend a hell of a long time hobbling through the uneven forest grounds.

His uneasy thoughts were brought to a halt as he heard the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. The dial tone. He could not believe it was actually bloody ringing. One ring, two, a third and then the fourth was cut off as a click came from the other end.

Michael's deep rough voice filled Calum's ears, 'what the fuck are you calling me for, have you really not gotten the hint?' Although the words were harsh and the tone was cold, Calum was simply grateful that he has not been completely erased from Michael's life.

'I'm sorry okay, but I really need help and the other boys aren't picking up.' Calum replied, hoping that Michael could hear how desperate he was.

'I figured as much. They're up at the main building grabbing our schedules and stuff for tomorrow. I wouldn't have bothered answering otherwise. Where are you?'

'In the forest and Mike, I really am sorry.' Calum's voice cracked as he choked the last four words out.

'Yeah whatever.'

With that the line went dead and Calum was left in a heap on the ground with little hope that Michael would actually show up. Nobody wants to be a Knight in shining armour for the person that broke their heart. Besides, when have you ever heard of the Knight and his Prince.

After countless minutes of idly waiting and fidgeting with his hands out of pure boredom Calum began quietly singing to himself ,

'There are days I might not make it,
There are days I might stop breaking.
But when the rain starts coming down as heavy as the air
You can find me dancing with the spirits in the square
God I damn I swear
There are times I feel like giving in
There are times I begin to begin again
Look outside the world keeps spinning like a paddle wheel
Rolling for the broken hearted waiting on the heal'

Calum started oh a frenzy of head banging and the most accurate and energetic air guitar you had ever seen a person perform 'You know I am not in the clear -'

All of this came to and end as Calum froze up at the sound of a loud snort that rose above his singing. 'What the fuck are you doing?' Calum looked up only to see the ghost of a smirk on Michael's face, Calum knew that he didn't want him to think that he could cause him any happiness.

Calum smiled sheepishly, 'Ya know, just feeling some good old Dave Grohl vibes.'

Michael frowned slightly, 'But Kurt is so much better.'

In Calum's eyes nobody was better than Dave and Michael knew that, 'Well at least Dave is still alive and making music.'

Michael narrowed his eyes slightly, 'Well either way you looked a right bloody twat.'

Calum shrugged nonchalantly, 'Not bothered to be honest. Hang on a minute, how the hell did you even find me. You hung up before I could give you directions.'

Michael shuffled his feet back and forth, kicking the leaves around. 'I followed you out here once, back in like year nine.'

'Oh.' Calum decided to risk an attempt at humour, 'worried about me were you?'

Michael sneered at him, 'no fucking way. We just wanted to know if you'd found a half decent place for us to take girls for a bit of privacy.'

Calum knew that he was lying but decided to leave it seeing as he didn't want to make Michael any more pissed at him. It would be like poking a sleeping bare.

Michael let out a short sudden laugh, although it lacked the sound of lightheartedness and was filled with mockery more than anything else, 'I could also hear you singing from a bloody mile off.'

Calum's tanned cheeks flushed a pale shade of red as he shined with embarrassment. 'Shut up. Can you just help me already.'

Michael lifted an eyebrow, 'why would I want to do that?'

'Well you walked all the way out here didn't you?'

'Well yeah but that was more so that I could have a laugh at whatever shit you has gotten yourself into this time.'

'Mike, please. Just help me get back to the house and you can go straight back to giving me the cold shoulder. I just need you to help me out one last time.'

'Fine, and don't call me Mike anymore. You lost the right when you fucked me over,' Michael spat out bitterly. 'What have you even done?'

'I caught my foot in that bastard root by there and then I fell awkward as fuck.'

'Only you could pull off something that stupid walking through a place you've walked through at least a thousand times.' Michael shook his head at Calum's blatant stupidity. If it wasn't for everything that had happened they both knew that normally they would be giggling together and Michael would be smiling fondly at the adorable klutz. Calum longed for that to happen but knew there was no hope and that was all down to his own fault.

Michael walked the few steps over to where Calum sat pushed up on his elbows. 'Give me your hands.' Michael demanded, 'only put weight on the leg that you haven't fucked up okay?' He Ben slightly so that Calum would have less trouble reaching him.

Calum nodded as he slid his hands into Michael's. He hadn't given a second thought to doing something that felt so natural and so was caught off guard by the feelings that started rushing through him. Flashes of that night came rushing to his mind. Loving caresses, strong hands griping him firmly, the groans of pleasure echoing in his ears.

Calum was pulled from his thoughts, as usual, when Michael's muscled arms strained through his plaid shirt as he gripped him tight and raised him from the ground. Due to his mind being deep in the gutter Calum forgot his orders to avoid his spazzed leg and hissed in pain as it buckled beneath him. He closed his eyes waiting for his second impact with the ground today but instead found himself up against a different sold surface. One that was well built and smelt of musk.

Michael's arms had instinctively wrapped around him. Calum couldn't resist looking up at Michael through his thick dark lashes. He found that Michael was already looking down at him with those pale and intense green eyes. Those eyes that held a familiar glint that Calum had gotten to know oh so well. But it was soon gone as Michael's face morphed into an image of disgust. 'Watch what you're fucking doing.'

'Sorry. I didn't mean to.' Calum frowned as Michael unwound himself from Calum and left him feeling lost and cold without his support. Michael re positioned himself so that he was next to Calum and one arm was supporting his weight. But it was for from the way he had just held him. This felt more like Michael was sickened by his touch and was itching to run for the hills.

'I would like to at least make an attempt of getting back up to the school before you get us both killed. Just put your arm around my shoulder will you.' Michael sighed in exasperation.

'Sorry.' Calum apologised once again.

At an almost laughable paise they began hobbling back up to the school in painfully awkward silence. Calum was just grateful that Michael still cared for him. It just ripped him apart inside that Michael didn't actually want to care for him.

Michael was just god damn pissed at himself. Holding Calum like this felt so good. He could feel the soft skin of his waist pressed up against his rough fingers where his shirt had risen up. It was the perfect contrast. He wishes that he didn't enjoy this, he wished that he could just blatantly hate him but he knew that there was no chance of it. He had let himself fall to deep, thinking that Calum would be there to catch him but in reality he had walked away and let Michael hit the ground in hurt and humiliation.

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