Let the Games Begin

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Calum was jolted from a heavy sleep at the obnoxious and relatively unpleasant shrill ringing of the alarm clock. He lifted his head from where it had been resting on his arm rather than a pillow, and let out a groan. The grogginess was to much and his head fell back upon his now tingling arm like a dead weight. Slightly squinting, he pulled his heavy lids away from each other and took in the sight of his glossy Kurt Cobain poster. All he wanted to do was nestle back into the cocoon of warmth that was his bed.

But that's when it hit him, what was he doing in his bed? Calum was pretty damn sure that he had fallen asleep on the sofa downstairs. Now reasonably alert he lifted his head once again and turned to where Michael was sitting on the side of his bed. He held his head in his hands, obviously feeling the same pain as Calum. This was potentially the first time any of the boys had been up before noon in three months.

Calum sat up fully and leant against the wall behind him. He cleared his throat, 'uh, how did I end up here?' His voice still came out in a hoarse croak.

Michael lifted his head from his hands and looked directly into Calum's eyes, 'how do you think?' With that Michael pushed himself up off the bed and dramatically strode from the room. Not forgetting to pull the door closed with a sharp crack behind him of course.

Calum rolled his eyes to the back of his head, 'happy first day back to you to buddy.'

'Hm, what was that.' Ashton's muffled voice rose from a mountain of blankets.

'Don't worry, I was just talking to myself.' Calum chuckled.

'Wanna know something Cal?'

'Yeah go on then,' he replied with a raised eyebrow.

'Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign.'

'Oh piss off.' Calum retrieved the pillow that was supporting his back and chucked it directly at where Ashton's curly head was poking up from under his fort. Calum couldn't help but grin at Ashton's childish giggle.

At that moment Luke walked through the doorway, already fully dressed and holding four steaming cups of what Calum was hoping was coffee. Due to the bitter but welcome smell that filled the room he guessed that Luke had indeed brought him exactly what he needed. The smell had also managed to bring Ashton's entire head up from under the covers, his face perked up excitedly.

'For me?' He questioned, looking like a puppy after scraps.

'Of course, but if you want it you have to get out of bed and come get it. You've got a hour to be ready.' Luke told both of the boys sternly.

Not even the warmth of his bed could stand in-between Calum and his morning coffee. He pulled himself onto his feet, only just managing to stay up. It had taken less than seven hours to forget about his leg injury and the cold wooden floor didn't help his balance either. He limped his way over to Luke and attempted to pull one of the inviting styrofoam cups from its holder.

Before he could reach it Luke stopped his grabbing hand, 'wait that one is Ash's. It's got extra sugar in it.'

Calum looked at Luke as if he were a mad man, 'is it wise to give that monster any more energy.'

Ashton pouted from his bed, 'I like to think it's what makes me so sweet.'

Luke smiled fondly at Ashton whereas Calum chose to make gagging noises and feign throwing up. He swiftly left the room, sugar free coffee in hand. There was definitely something more going on with those two. There was no doubt about it.

He cheerfully stumbled his way into the shower room, still half asleep. The room was fully tiled from ceiling to floor and four detachable shower heads hung in a row to the right. The boys had taken the liberty of hanging up their own shower curtains to divide the space. Even though they all loved each other they weren't prepared to see that much of each other. Well at least Calum wasn't to keen on seeing what Luke and Ashton had to offer, as for Michael. Well that's a whole other story.

He stripped off his clothes from the night before and chucked them into the hallway. Though his jeans were mysteriously missing Calum chose not to question it.

He pulled his curtain around him and set his water to an almost scolding temperature before stepping under the high powered spray. He soon began to feel more refreshed and alert to the world. His brain had also finally managed to catch up to everything else and it finally hit him, did Michael actually carry him up to bed?

There's no way he could have, after all he seems to be extremely pissed off at the fact that Calum still exists. So why would he do anything as considerate as taking him up to bed. Calum could only wish that he had been awake for the experience. To feel Michales strong arms holding him against him and having his head slotted perfectly against his neck. Intoxicated, that's how being held by Michael made him feel. It was an experience of pure pleasure.

Those thoughts never end well for Calum. He groaned, willing himself to think of something else. Like how the hell he was supposed to get Mikey to forgive him because he would stop at nothing to get him back. Calum needed him back. This was not going to be easy and he was definitely going to have to enlist the help of the other boys.

Shutting the water off he grabbed one of the many plush white towels that hung from hooks on the wall. It wrapped loosely around him, meaning that it hung dangerously low on his hips. Whistling, he walked back up to their room with a slight skip in his step. It was time to let the games begin.

Sorry for the short chapter and the lack of dialogue but it was more of a filler. The next one will have a lot more.

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