Chapter - 2

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Neil's POV

"I know my baby it tastes horrible. But what Dadda can do? You have to take this to get better right." My heart crunched when I had to give that bitter medicine to my little baby.

Even though he was just 6 months old, he recognized the medicine cup. He started pushing my hands away and making efforts to roll over to hide his mouth. Just two days back, he has started to learn roll over.

'Smart kid'

I had to force him holding his chin with my fingers. The moment medicine hit his tastebuds. He took out his lower lip and cried at top of his voice.

"I am sorry my baby. Dadda is very very bad. Dadda will get punishment." I took him in my arms and starting cooing him.

Finally after 1 hour, I somehow made him sleep. He was discharged from hospital two days back but still was not fully recovered.

It stabs me with hundred daggers when I see his pale face, dried tear marks.

'I will never forgive you Meera.'

I caressed his hairs and kissed his temple.

'You are the only one I have Neev.'

'Dadda can do anything for you.'

'I love you'

'Beep' sound came from my phone.

'Shit I forgot to keep it on silent. I hope this sound will not disturb his sleep.'

I cursed sender but glanced at Neev.

'Thank god he is still sleeping.'

'Sorry Sir, we lost HyperCity Project to Martin's. They grabbed the deal.' Message from Alex, my PA.

I closed my burning eyes.

If this was the message just one year back then I would have been a roaring lion for my assisting team for losing an important deal.

But today, I know more than them I was at the fault.

I could not concentrate on the deal, in fact I was the one who left the deal talks in middle to look after my son who was burning with fever.

HyperCity Project was an alluring deal for Singhania Corporations, being CEO of this business empire it was my responsibility to pocket it. And to be frank, this was not any complicated deal compared to the once, I have cracked till last year.

'Board of Directors need explanations, they have set up meeting three days later.' Another one popped up.

'They are joining hands to corner you, Sir.'

I did not care to reply back but got to make a drink for myself.

Till last year, my life was so beautiful and why not Meera was there with me.

Meera My wife.... My love.... My life.

'Wife who betrayed her husband in worst way.' Her name added bitterness to whiskey's taste.

I still remember the day when I first time met Meera. She and her father Ashok Sehgal along with her step mom were invited to our home for dinner.

Mom had forced me to join it. That was a time, I could never say no to my Mom.

At the end of dinner, it blew my mind when Mom proposed alliance between me and Meera.

Meera Sehgal, renowned model and fashion fiesta. Being daughter of Ashok Sehgal, gave her added plus points to belong to elite class of this city.

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